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I've been using photoshop elements for RAW file processing, as one of my

customers requires larger files I import as a 24mp using the RAW settings on

the bottom of the RAW editing screen which provides me with the file size I



I am considering downsizing from photoshop as quite frankly I do have to use

much of the functionality thats available in photoshop which or course does

not come cheap. Elements provides RAW import and all the editing tools I could

wish for an acceptable price but version 4 does not provide the upsize setting

in the RAW converter - is it available in version 5?


Alternatively I have never used the software provided by canon - is it

possible to upsize direct from RAW to TIFF using it?


I am aware that I can resize in elements but the quality is'nt as good, or do

I buy genuine fractals?

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Try Genuine Fractials. Its a plug in for photoshop(unsure if it works on elements) that alows you to increase file size by copying the pixeles around and reproducing them with amazing quality. You should be able to get a 24mb tiff up to 48-50mb with virtually no noticeble diffrence. You may even be able to go higher than that but i have not tested it fully. Hope that helps.
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GF works on Elements for me.


It's also pretty expensive, and I've seen/read other things about doing it manually that reportedly provide the about the same quality (using a multi-pass process, not just a single step).


Upsizing is always a pain, since you're creating info that doesn't exist. I'd do a google on it.

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<p>The ACR plug-in itself is the same for Elements as for the full Photoshop product. It cripples itself when it detects it's being used with Elements, and one of the things that it loses in Elements is the ability to resize.</p>


<p>But since resizing an image has always been something Elements can do on its own, I don't see why you need to do it in a RAW converter.</p>

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