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PHOTOSHOP COMPETITION - Peter Steinhoff wins again


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correct perspective with transform skew / clone right one third to left / transform layer flip horiz / eliminate people with cloning and selective copy of areas / convert to b&w / add hue of brown with saturation / minor cloning clean up at high mag / adjust levels.<div>00JySv-34998584.jpg.cfe6e05d95d3b998057dbcadd274c0f7.jpg</div>
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Same with Bride and Groom :)


correct perspective with transform skew / clone right one third to left / transform layer flip horiz / eliminate people with cloning and selective copy of areas / convert to b&w / add hue of brown with saturation / minor cloning clean up at high mag / adjust levels.


Add people from original with laso/path/select feather 1/color correct/center.<div>00JyTI-34999184.jpg.e0e30aa62f778007446364b2d519596d.jpg</div>

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1, new layer


2, enlarge canvas on background layer


3, select and rotate parts of the statue then recreate the arched top (kinda) to raise the frame size.


4, clone some of the window


5, correct the perspective a little


6, burn/dodge


7, sharpen.


Not a great deal of change, just doing some aesthetic alterations to the orig.<div>00JyUV-34999984.thumb.jpg.2f304393d187265b0e4c6ed28b640544.jpg</div>

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Purpose: to create a soft romantic church altar portrait:


1. Crop to 4x5/8x10 dimensions and straighten a bit leaving only one lamp. Two lamps are distracting.


2. Correct perspective (keystoning): Filter>distort>lens correction>remove distortion.


3. Vignette: Filter>distort>vignette to amount -150 and midpoint +20.


4. Soften/Glow: Ctrl-J (in PC), Filter>Gaussen Blur>Radius 20 pixels


5. Click Opacity in Layers box and slide to 30%.


6. Increase contrast: Image>adjustment>brightness/contrast>contrast to +30.


7. Sharpen: Filter>sharpen>smart sharpen to +50.


8. Burning: use burning tool to do selective darkening on back rail and hotspots in background.<div>00JyjT-35005884.jpg.ca9ca97073faf5845f7fd44075be43e1.jpg</div>

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Golden Light


1 The image had a new layer and the background painted out using a soft brush in black.

2 saturation tool used to increase saturation of windows

3 new layer and low opacity brush used to paint in the window light cast

4 original image adjusted using curves and color balance<div>00Jyt7-35010584.thumb.jpg.0a86e7a4f846e3643bcd940ea4062cae.jpg</div>

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Some of you guys had already done something similar what I was planning but what to do? Anyway, these were the steps:


1. Rotate and remove barrel distortion with filter>distort>lens correction.


2. Fix perspective and make everything straight by select>all and edit>transform>distort. (More powerful than using the lens correction for this.)


3. Adjust overall white balance by eyedropping the dress. Could be done with curves but I used the free whibal plugin (Power Retouche White Balance).


4. Adjust the background white balance with image>adjustments>color balance. The key here is to adjust shadows heavily, midtones mild and not touch highlights. This usually works better than trying to do selective correction using masks.


5. Crop the image.


6. Add light beams by painting on a new layer, blur the edges and adjust transparency.


7. Fixed the beams by adding a layer mask and removing the beams from the couples to give a more realistic 3d appearence.


8. Adjusted exposure, contrast and saturation.


9. Dodging and burning the windows and part of the backgound by painting on a layer set to soft light and put gaussian blur on it. Set layer opacity to taste.


10. Added a vignette to the couple to make the background even darker.


11. Apply a mild unsharp mask to the entire image.


12. Resize to 500 pixels wide and selective sharpening on the couple using quick mask and usm.


13. Had decided not to do any cloning on this one because I did a lot of that on the first ps challenge. Anyway I couldn't help myself and removed one of the candle lights...


14. Save and done.<div>00Jz6H-35014984.JPG.a9e414b1a4db4274d1836a00c71de537.JPG</div>

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I just had to do a b&w version too and it was the same as the above but before resizing and final sharpening i did:


1. Convert to B&W using image>adjustments>channel mixer (70/20/10)


2. Adjust contrast and exposure with curves.


3. Add selective diffusion by blurring on a layer and adjusting opacity to taste.


4. Add color cast to shadow and midtones.<div>00Jz84-35015484.jpg.58fc137a930e204c862ef2c53dff4e06.jpg</div>

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correct perspective with transform skew / clone right one third to left / transform layer flip horiz / eliminate people with cloning and selective copy of areas / convert to b&w / add hue of brown with saturation / minor cloning clean up at high mag / adjust levels

find white choc image of B&G/select area with selection tool/insert on original/flip/change flower to correct lapel/adjust size with transform/flatten/sharpen/eat<div>00Jznc-35034584.thumb.jpg.5c311d0dc50f827a0341defc499e5e5c.jpg</div>

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sorry, forgot to resize


correct perspective with transform skew / clone right one third to left / transform layer flip horiz / eliminate people with cloning and selective copy of areas / convert to b&w / add hue of brown with saturation / minor cloning clean up at high mag / adjust levels find white choc image of B&G/select area with selection tool/insert on original/flip/change flower to correct lapel/adjust size with transform/flatten/sharpen/eat<div>00Jzni-35034784.jpg.a3efce6bde27f2481b50128190b0ce1e.jpg</div>

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I like these things, it's a good learning opportunity and post processing is as important as one want it to be.


Looking trough every image it's also interesting to see what choices have been made since everybody had the same starting point. Also the actual steps involved as I picked up a few tricks by checking out what other people do.


Voting would be done by dropping Mary Ball an email with your vote. But I assume she would be the one initiating the process.

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Alright, maybe too late but figured I'd give it a shot!



- straighten

- crop

- duplicate layer

- use channel mixer to turn bottom layer to greyscale

- set color layer to 'color' mode

- add vignette

- dodge around candles and backdrop

- add brightness/contrast layer above photo layers

- bump up brightness and contrast

- mask out the bride and groom, leaving the dress out to retain detail


And that's it! All in all not too much work, would have done more crazy stuff, but a lot of stuff won't show up in an image this small.<div>00K3yk-35123384.jpg.8946f036a0f715942a6a79d0d6cd3a31.jpg</div>

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This is really fun, I got a kick out of some of these. Anyways I am pretty new to participating here so I thought I would give this a try.


Adjusted levels, increased saturation and contrast. used sponge tool, burn and dodge....decided to crop....burn more areas to take away the more distracting items. Adjusted color balance, removed yellow and red. added border.<div>00K4Fv-35129184.jpg.ae5532ce63b6d4676f6c2c1affeecf55.jpg</div>

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wow. I don't mean to be a downer, but based on the entries here, I'm not quite so bummed that I'm not a PS expert like some of the other people here. like the other PS competitions, there isn't one of these images that I think is any better than the original :-( too many special effects and vignettes and soft blurs :-(
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PETER SEINHOFF - Not only won the last competition and submitted the image for this week's fix.. He also won.


We seem to get more participants than we get voters...


We only had 12 people who actually sent the vote in to me this week. ;-(


Paul Sokal was runner up.


I'm off on vacation until the 18th and when I get back I may be working on a mini lesson presented by a pretty talented and famous photographer which will be the new "stickie" at the top of the Wedding Forum.



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