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Professional Lab


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A good pair of labs that cater to nationwide business (can you say if you are in the US? Ohio? The Cleveland area?) are Dale Labs in Florida, and UPI Lab in NC. I use TPI Photo in Youngstown for local professional service, and Dodd Camera or Cord Camera if I need processing or printing of acceptable quality in a hurry (though neither of them do optical proofing anymore, which I consider essential for proofs smaller than 8x10).
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I love mpix.com, which is a division of Miler's. I pay $4.95 shipping and almost always get my pictures within two days of them being shipped. They also have a ton of new products - my dad LOVED the playing cards I gave him for Christmas, with the picture of my nephew (his grandson) on them.



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Well, to follow up. We're located in Corvallis, Oregon. It doesn't matter if the lab is across the country as long as prints do not get messed up in the mail. We want high quality prints to put in photo albums or for large prints that have accurate color processing (we have a monitor calibrator, so we'd need a lab that has specs that we can set our calibrator to). Some place with consistent timely processing so we can give clients an accurate estimate, etc. We've never used a professional lab before. The best we've used yet is Smugmug's attached lab, which I am not sure is high enough quality for the bridal albums. I don't know much about the differences in labs, etc. Anything I should know while I'm looking?
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My partner and I run a small color (c-41 and ra-4), e-6, and black and white lab out of CT. Our quality is amazing and the turn-around time is very fast. We will also undercut any other professional lab's prices. We can e-mail you examples of our images to show the quality of our work. E-mail us at L6S8@aol.com if you are interested.

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