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Photoshop Actions?


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I'm curious if anyone uses or knows where I could buy some Photoshop Actions

specifically designed for wedding photographers, anyone?


I've heard of photographers having assistants going through images in Photoshop

and just applying certain actions to the images depending on the

subject/composition/mood, etc,.. I'm sure I'll come up with some of my own as I

go but I'm just starting out and was looking to save some time if anyone would

be willing to share theirs or their techniques.






(I understand I will probably not get too many responses, if any. No worries if

you ignore this one and move on. No harm. ;-) )

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Kubota for sure. Also: <br><br>


<a href="http://www.pfisterphoto-art.com/photogs/actions/actions.html">Parker J

Pfister</a> - Possibly the best, but quite expensive. <br><Br>

<a href="http://www.jeffascough.net/kart/index.php?p=product&id=712&parent=0">Jeff



<a href="http://www.rsactions.com/">Ryan Schembri</a>


<a href="http://www.niksoftware.com/products/usa/entry.php">Nik</a> - Though

these possibly aren't as useful for wedding photographers, specifically.


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Dear c jo gough - Carmel, CA


[or anyone else for that matter]


I want in on this action swap as well - I have 10 or so actions that I use quite often and would love to trade them for a few new ones.


I loved the ones on Brody Dezember's site - he and I did a project back in November - good man.


Anyway, feel free to send any my way and I'll reciprocate!




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For some reason, I've had some bad luck today with responding to you!

In the process of fighting with your email client, the actions you sent were deleted and I am BUMMED!


Is there anyway you could re-send them? I will send mine your way as well when I get home for lunch.


So sorry for the confusion...



PS - Thanks in advance for the actions and the time you're taking to help me!

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I'm just getting my photography website put together. I'm trying to start a side business doing portraits and weddings but have been doing web design for several years. I am happy to host a series of actions which can be shared amungst all users in this group. If you e-mail each action to me in a seperate e-mail along with a before and after photo and description/name/category/etc., I'll create a page of all the actions and e-mail the link back to the sender. From there you can share/post the link to anyone/anywhere you want. This offer extends to anyone interested in swapping actions on this board or any other board.




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  • 7 months later...

I've purchased three of Kubota's action sets and I love them. Fact is, they provide everything the other merchants have, but with a far more reasonable price for the number of actions available.


I'd really love to get a "grunge" action, and Brody Dezember seems to have a pretty good one, and the price is agreeable. But other than that, I wouldn't spend my money on the others. It's just not cost effective.


For those who don't want to buy sets, try A2D. They've got a handful of neat actions you can buy for $15 a pop.

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