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Contax 645 and Leaf Aptus


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Stuart, Thanks for your reply. I have had a Contax 645 system for several years. It's a great camera. When I can buy a good 22+ MP back for it for under $10K, I will get one. I just have not yet found out enough about which ones are better for landscape and architecture. Also, at $10K, I really want a reliable one.
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Ok, please don't take me as being knowledgable about it, but I think that most of the sales

of these used backs are unadvertised. Your best bet is probably to find some dealers of

the Aptus back and contact them and let them know that you are looking for a used one.

Ask them how much they usually cost, and what they do with the traded in backs...in many

cases older backs are traded in by the top end users for the newest models. Sometimes

they can just upgrade the old ones, but other times they just sell the older backs to

photographers who are looking for a less expensive digital back. They will still be a lot of

money, but certainly cheaper than a new one. I would not think a 22mp non-tethered back

will be under 10,000 yet, but it might well be if you are lucky enough. I would just get the

list of dealers from Leaf, and contact them all and ask them. Certainly someone will have

good advice for you. These things are usually sold one on one with a lot of attention to

customer service and after-sales help (one would hope, seeing as people are spending

20-30,000 dollars for them), so the salespeople and reps tend to be quite helpful and

knowledgeable if you are serious about buying one.

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