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Kids around the world - new leica serie

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@Ben... Photo 10 and 12,, with Leica MP.

Photo 6, sorry for the mistake to have put it here in this forum,, but it s a digital one, with Canon G5.

All the other one are with Leica M6.

The lens are : 35 Sumicron, exept 11, it was a 35mm Voigtlander.

All the wilde angle are 21 mm Voigtlander. Film all trix X, exept 3 with XP2 and 5 with Kodak Color 200 Asa... thanks

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Seriously Frederic, I was just kidding, but trying to make a point that is often missed around here which is that the camera/lens/film/pixels is only a secondary consideration to making great images. Your answer actually confirms this - digital, film, b&w, color, you still make great images. Most of the gearheads around this forum worry themselves to death about lens resolution and cannot take a photo that is worth a damn.
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Ok Ben, I get you now. I am really not an expert about equipment. I got a Leica, more because it's a really material and mechanical objet, not really by technical choice from photography point of view. What I like over all about the LEica, it's the material. I like the things in real material and real mechanical, wood, heavy metal, old cars etc... And the Leica MP is a real nice art of mechanical.
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