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Images in Fog (M8)


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Vinay why are you always so negative when it comes to someone enjoying their M8? You

seem to have a hard on for the camera that we are all abundantly aware of by now. Maybe

it's time that you took your affliction to another forum so the rest of us don't have to be

burdened with your attitude and we can enjoy the photo's. Great shots Arthur especially

the B&W.

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Ron why are you so defensive over the M8, is it not just a camera to you, or does it represent something deeper? By Arthur's own admission these shots were taken solely as a test of the M8's capabilities ("Just checking out how bright lights in fog looked like on the M8 sensor"). Therefore prior to taking the shots Arthur therefore had to have considered the possibility of a negative result, otherwise why spend the effort to test?


My question arose because I understand that a point light source might show up some sensor reflective deficiency, but the diffusion caused by the fog would in all probability be least likely to do so.


The M8 has been chronicled of late for a series of electronic failures by a multitude of owners, it has been well documented that the camera is not gasketed against moisture intrusion as well as some other high-priced digitals, and moisture and electronics are not happy companions. Therefore taking an M8 out in thick fog would be a much better test of it's ability to withstand high humidity and mist than how the sensor handles light reflections. Since the camera is still working, Arthur's data goes toward the M8 being more resistant to moisture than some have given it credit for. So again, I have to wonder why you are so defensive over the M8 that you reflexively go into personal-attack mode rather than consider that my question and it's answer actually goes to a positive checkmark for the M8.

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I did not have any specific goal to test except to see how the camera mated with the lenses behave in fog, so please don't read too much into it. Like other new owners, we are still checking out this camera in the different shooting situations we commonly encounter.


Although Leica did not guarantee that the weather-proofing seals were as resistant to the elements as the ones in the Canon 1DS MkII or Nikon D2X, I have not read in any documentations that the camera has no seals. Even my old Nikon 4500 Coolpix has seals, let alone a camera (like the M8) that was designed and built more recently.


I have used the M8 in drizzles before without a single problem.

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Vinay-I'm not defensive over the M8 Vinay, I'm defensive about your consistant negative

attitude when someone posts photo's taken with the camera. I think you have a problem

with this camera and it comes out in your constant diatribes about the photo's taken with

it and the fun the owners seem to be having. Are you jealous Vinay? Is it perhaps that you

can't afford one? I know you may feel this way but you are not a benchmark on this forum

for what other people do and like. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I was out

actually taking photographs and didn't have time to diagram sentences for negative

feedback. All the best!

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