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problems converting RAW images

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The gimp and ufraw are common applications on the linux operating system. I'm familiar with how they work on linux, but have not used them on windows. So, probably don't have any suggestions that would work for you.


If I open a .crw Canon raw in ufraw and just make a default save, it opens in the gimp as it appeared in ufraw.


Are you doing edits in ufraw? What do you mean by "until the image is converted to photoshop"? Do you mean you save a .psd out of ufraw? If everything works perfectly "...use the UFraw with gimp and everything works perfectly", when does the noise appear in the gimp?

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In the Linux version there are several interpolations that can be set for the save. AHD and VNG interpolation can produce very different looking images. The AHD might produce a noisier-looking image. This may not be reflected in the image displayed in ufraw's window, but is applied to the save.


The noise is from the sensor, so it is there to begin with. If you can't see it in Ufraw, it may simply be the magnification level of the ufraw image window (which in the linux version is around 33%) compared to the magnification you are viewing it in the gimp.


In any event, the noise is from the sensor, and if it is objectionable you may want to test a noise reduction application.

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