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17-40 f/4L Used or New?


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Hey all,


I've decided on the 17-40 f/4L.


I was going to just buy it new, but B&H has them used (9+) for $569.00, which

is about $65 cheaper than their new price.


Since the difference is only 10%, and after my recent problems with used

purchases, I'm hesitant to mess with it with a purchase of this size. Sure,

they say it is cosmetically 9+, but how do I know if it has been previously

dropped, and will crap out the day after their 90-day warranty ends? It oculd

also be a bad copy, and that's why it ended up being sold. Granted, that 10%

would cover or help cover one of the new filters I now need, which aren't

exactly cheap at 77mm.


Any advice? At what price differencial do you start considering used equipment?

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For only a difference of $65, buy new, unless B&H's price also includes all the original

packaging, case, caps, etc. Those materials may affect your resale price, should you ever

want to sell/trade the lens.


Also, try KEH.com. Their ratings are VERY conservative, prices are good, and their return

policy is very fair.

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Thanks folks, glad to hear my sentiments are somewhat in check with yours. I generally won't considered used for less than a 25% difference, but I was tempted this time.




I just purchased a used camera from KEH.com, after another retailer messed up the same order, and so far I've been pleased with them. When the camera arrives (todayish), I hope I'll continue to be pleased with them. They didn't have a used 17-40 on my last check, but I am considering them for this purchase, especially since the shipping distance is only about 100 miles, so much less chance for damage.

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Canon's got a pretty good rebate gonig for this lens at the moment, especially if you buy two qualifying items, something like $70-$90 (with double rebate). That probably puts it new even more competitively priced with the used. Although it's been awhile since I looked.
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I'm going with a new copy from keh.com because I ordered a Rebel Ti from them as a backup film body, and I'm extremely please with the transaction. The camera they sent was a Canon refurb, with straps and new batteries. In a box. With a manual.
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