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Any decent RF stores in San Diego?


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The pickings are mighty thin down here in (currently) sunny Sandy Eggo.<br><br>


The only Leica dealer in town (Bob Davis Camera in La Jolla) folded sometime last year and

the location was taken over by longtime locals Nelson Photo Supply. I believe they retained

the Leica dealership, but you're unlikely to find anything very interesting since all the Bob

Davis leftovers were auctioned off.<br><br>


Nelson Photo Supply in Little India (just north of downtown) is only moderately interesting

-- good for general supplies, but increasingly a digital gadget store. No RF stuff I know



George's Camera in North Park (several miles east of downtown) is kind of a funky place:

lots of random used 35mm/MF gear and some interesting items available for



Somewhat closer to downtown than George's (a bit north and a few miles west) is Camera

Exposure, dealers in all kinds of used cameras and darkroom equipment. Even funkier

than George's, which is why I like dropping by once in a while. <br><br>


There are another couple of smaller shops around, but those are the main ones I know of.

Very little RF action in any of them, especially after Bob Davis closed down. Maybe

someone else can pitch in and prove me wrong...

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Thanks for the ideas, gang.


I'm not going to have a huge amount of free time - I arrive Friday afternoon and will be busy through Sunday at a function in Balboa Park. Monday is my own until my flight leaves at 4PM.


I'll definitely try and hit the museum and maybe a few nearby stores.


Thanks again!

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You are lucky to be "stuck" in Balboa Park: it's beautiful, and you could spend a full week

there and not see the same sight twice! There is a great aviation museum, a fantastic

photography museum, botanical gardens, art mueums (several) and natural history museums

(and the fabulous zoo). Personally, I'd spend all my free time in the park taking photos rather

than wandering around town to various (and disappointing) camera stores. Enjoy!

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Nelson Photo took over the Bob Davis location, and as of the last Leica Day I attended last year, Nelson Photo was not taking trades.


Some good RF oriented stores are Paul's Photo in Torrance - however it's a long drive from San Diego - and Bel Air Camera in LA.

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