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Problem with my D200, 80-200 2,8 AFD, or just me??


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I normally shoot wide angle, but just bought an 80-200 2.8 AFD (newer 2-ring

model) from a friend who upgraded to the 70-200VR. Just got my RRS lens plate

today, and in mounting it on my tripod I'm suprised at how much play there is

between the D200 body and the 80-200 lens.


With the lens and tripod locked, I can move the D200 body a good 1/16" by

twisting it. No forward or backward play, but definitely side to side by twisting.


I double checked to make sure the RRS lens plate and tripod ball are

secure--they are. I can clearly see the movement at the lens mount. I checked

my smaller primes, and there is some movement with those too when mounted--it

just seems more pronounced on the 80-200.


I normally use small primes and wide-angle zooms, so i don't have much

experience with larger glass like the 80-200, so is this normal or do I have a



If it is normal, surely this must have an effect on images shot @

200mm.....given all the fuss about removing center columns and what not how

about movement at the lens mount???







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I've never had that happen with a Nikkor lens. But I had the same type of play when I mounted my 85mm 85mm Zeiss Jena on my Contax IIIa. But the lens was about 50 years old and there was some wear in the latch mechanism. The good news is that it had absolutely no effect on my photos.


Why not take some shots to see if the play creates problems?

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Hi Lisa,

I had the 80-200 AF-ED in my Nikon D200 and had few twist move, the same as my other lens, maybe little more. I have upgraded to 70-200VR, with rubber O-ring on the lens mount, and the twist move is minimum too. Check your 80-200 lens mount, so if it moves against the body lens or wear symptoms.


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