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D-Lux 3 Image Stabilization


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I just took delivery of a Leica D-Lux 3 yesterday and so far so good. This is

the first camera I've ever owned that has image stabilization and so I was very

curious to see how much of a difference it could make. I have also read a great

deal about how much noisier the images get at higher ISO on these small sensor

cameras, and this factor arguably makes the image stabilization an even more

useful feature if it allows the photographer to keep shooting at slower

speeds/lower ISO in low light. What follows then, are the results of my

not-so-scientific but hopefully useful experiment to test how useful the image

stabilization on these small cameras really is.


Here's are two images I recorded at 1/4sec, f4.9, ISO 100. I know that 1/4 sec

is a bit of a stretch for handheld shots, but I wanted to test a shutter speed

slow enough to be extremely challenging for handheld use even if the

photographer has a really steady hand (which I tried as far as possible to

achieve on both shots). The first photo was taken WITHOUT image stabilization,

the second photo WITH image stabilization (I used Mode 2 stabilization on the

D-Lux in both cases).


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/5534130-lg.jpg">


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/5534128-lg.jpg">


I was frankly amazed at what a big difference the image stabilization makes. The

second image is head-and-shoulders sharper than the first across the entire

frame. For comparison purposes, I would particularly draw your attention to the

text near the middle of the frame that says "TABLEAU GRAPHIQUE" which is almost

unreadable in the unstabilized image.


So there you have it - I would score that as a big one for the D-Lux 3 image

stabilization feature. I was pretty impressed.


As far as the noise at higher ISO settings goes, from my first photos, including

a few night shots, I think that Leica has done a very good job of reducing the

noise, and I am seeing really good results both on the camera-processed JPEGS

and the Photoshop-processed RAW files that I have taken so far ( I will try and

post some examples in a follow-up). Some of the online reviews have stated that

the D-Lux 3 does a better job at noise reduction than its Panasonic cousin at

all ISO settings, and especially at higher ISO settings. Based upon my

experience with the D-Lux 3 so far, I certainly feel that this issue has been

well addressed by Leica. One has always to bear in mind that the D-Lux is a

tiny, go-anywhere point-and-shoot camera, albeit with advanced features for more

creative control, and as such it is not a replacement for a digital SLR and was

never intended to be so.


I am not a professional reviewer or tester, nor do I have any affiliation,

financial, familial or otherwise with Leica. I'm just an avid amateur but I hope

my unscientific experiment might be both helpful and interesting for readers of

this forum.



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It never ceases to amaze me that after 4 years of image stabilisation, there are still so many people who thought it was a gimmick, until they get to try it themselves. Not only does it work, it works incredibly well.


Perhaps many people thought that if it really were so good, the big names would have used it a long time ago.


The Lumix in-lens stabilisation has now been through so many iterations that it has achieved a very high level of competence. I dare say that it has an almost unassailable position by now.


I am also not in any way related to Panasonic or Leica, or any of their suppliers or suppliers' suppliers etc, sub-contractors or sub-sub-contractors etc, consultants etc, employees, officers, board of directors, etc, etc. I am purely a customer.

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Image stabilization is definitely a must have for handheld close-up or telephoto shots. From your sample shots, it appears that you also took the Edward Tufte course on data presentation. I personally did not find it very useful, but the books are very nice!
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My girlfriend's Canon's S3 is incredibly good with long zooms at very low shutter speeds. Don't know about Canon vs Leica digicam zoom optics, but some say Canon's got less noise at high EI. In any case, the S3 easily produces beautiful 11X17 scenics at half the $$ of Leica. S3 is, of course, a neoDSLR...the G7 may be even better, and it's got more of the rangefinder feel than most.
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