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Its getting CLEAR NOW..


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Hi..just wanna share with u..




10 years ago, I did my own B/W developing in my little bathroom. Got sick of it and gave up. Had been sending to lab with varying results.




I heard from someone that if u use Leicas, I should develop the films myself.




10 years on, I developed my first few rolls.




Heres what I found.




I shot a roll using M3 and voigtlander 75/2.5 HP5+ using ilforso S 8 mins 1:9. Negs turned out flat and lack contrast. The prints were like film shot on delta 100..no grain, but SOFT, VERY SOFT.




I shot again using M3 and 50 sumicron, developed with the same materials and time. The negs this time were BRILLIANT. I could see the sharpness of the negs without a loupe and the contrast is totally different from the previous. The negs GLOW, let me tell u.





I can see it very clearly now...leica negs rates an 11/10 on my light table. And mind u, the 75/2.5 voigtlander is quite reputable.





just wanna share my experience.





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Hello Travis,




would like to believe in the unbelievable, but perhaps there was a

different aperture/ time setting altogether when exposing.




Maybe you try a second M and shoot identical subjects with the same

settings alongside each other. The results - as far as density of the

film etc. is concerned - should then be comparable. With the latest

V/C-lens and an older LEITZ-lens the V/C-results ought to be even





Good shooting

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Travis- Leonid is right- it sounds like a dev. problem. He's right,

too, when he suggests shooting a roll through each lens and

running them together in the same tank.




Myself, I'm no big fan of Ilfosol F. Try Rodinol, Acufin, Microphen,

Microdol X, or HC110, Dilution B

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Aww - come ON, guys! I can see a difference between my 90 TE and 90

'cron negatives: same film, same tank, same time. And those are both

LEICA lenses - of the same focal length and built in the same era!




Travis - don't let them spoil your epiphany! Actually, I had mine

looking at (boo hsss!) Contax-G negatives, but it's the same feeling.

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