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Online Galleries and Print Ordering


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This question has been asked a million times, but I still can't find exactly

what I want. Well, I could if I wanted to pay $150 a month at pictage..


I'm looking for a site where I have these features:


-upload my photos so that guests can log in and order.

-I want to set my own price.

-I want the service to take care of the finances and ordering

-I want clients to have the option of ordering personalized cards (I don't

actually know how any of this works in any of the sites- if they design them

right within the site or not)

-and it would be great, but not a criteria, if they could design and order thier

own coffee table book.


I'm just getting started so I don't have the funds or really the need for

something like pictage, but the features are great. I was going to go with

smugmug, but it doesn't look like they have the greeting card option, which I

think is something I really want.


If someone knows of an affordable magic bullet, I'd love to hear. Thanks!

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Smugmug is one, and has the features you are looking for, but a pro account costs $150 p/year. They get 15% of your photo sales, but handle all financial transactions, great print lab, and delivery straight to the purchaser.


It's a bit of a difficult site, at first, but like any other, you get the hang of it. It's good for what I use it for, but there are others out there, as I'm sure you will see.



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I did alot of research on this topic when I was looking and I never was satisfied with paying someone up to 20% of my profit. I found a shopping cart software called EOS Template, which is a plugin template for Photoshop and some other softwares. It can be a little bit sophisticated to set up, but it gives you the ability to host the images on your own webserver, set your own prices, and accept many different types of payments. The great thing is, there's no cost after the purchase of the software besides the small merchant fees from like Paypal or a credit card merchant.




I have really enjoyed using this and it gives me complete control.

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Digilabs. http://www.digilabs.biz/index.shtml.


Their software is comprehensive and has quick uploads, easy changes.


They have a number of programs. I got tired of printing my orders and charging the customers, so now let them do it (for a fee, of course). I had used a couple other services, found Digilabs to be the best. I have been with them for about 3 years now.

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I think you might like collages. I really love using them. You get to set your own prices and add 15% for Collages and it is a nice flash presentation. I also like that you can pick from a list of printers that works with Collages, so you don't have to deal with that yourself. All you have to do is upload. It's really easy to use. Also, you can pay by event if you don't want to pay by month or yearly. Hope that helps.



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