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Background Support Stands in the UK

michelle jones

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I've had a look though most of the posts on Background Supports and at some of

the products mentioned but they all seem to be from the USA. I'm selling my

collapsible backgrounds in favour of the more versitile muslin ones and I'm now

in need of a support system.


I've been looking at a few on ebay but I'm not rich so I don't want to go and

get the wrong one. I mainly do portraits in people's homes so the background

support needs to be light, strong and last a long time. Maybe I'm asking for too

much but I don't know which one to get, I've been looking at the manfrotto

extendable pole that fits onto two light stands, but I'd have to get two more

lightstands to go with it. Also there are a few kits on ebay that have caught my

eye however, I come back to the question "is it light and is it going to last?"


Ok, so to clarify, my question is which background support should I buy? The

pole in the middle needs not to bend either. I have about ?100 to spend.

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I bought one from Viewfinder Photography in Leicester





was exactly ?100, including delivery, and it arrived in a day.


(I did have to make 9 phone calls and send three emails to get one of the wrong poles replaced with the right one but that's another story.)


The stands are fairly standard, lightweight telescopic stands with a four-piece crossbar, easily big enough for someone's living room. The kit packs into a neat bag too.

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