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Found Film...


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I purchased a Brownie Flash II (made in Melbourne, Australia) c.1958-1963 for

$2. It had a roll of 620 Kodacolor film in it. This was the only exposure out

of eight that I was able to scan. From what I can see of the green table

decorations and a couple of people wearing green, I think this may have been

taken in a pub on Saint Patricks Day a long time ago.



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Wow! Didn't know you blokes were going to get that nit-picky over some found film. Please let me rephrase my description to put all of you at ease. "THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BE A SAINT PATRICKS DAY CELEBRATION FROM SOMETIME IN THE PAST."





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I'm sorry, "A LONG TIME AGO" was incorrect (wishful thinking). Kodak discontinued 620 film in 1995. My wife tells me that the hairstyles and style of dress of the women in the photo dates back to the 1990's. If you'd like to debate this with my wife, good luck! :)





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I'm with Ken -- it definitely looks like a Christmas shot. See the streamers in the back: red and green. Stu, your wife may be right that the hairdo looks 1990s-ish. But I know people in 2007 who still dress and wear their hair like these people. I'd say someone saw the old film in the camera and tested it fairly recently. Nice find no matter how old!
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Just about everyone enjoys these postings of found film, I know that I do. Lots of fun to look at the photos and use your imagination. Yes, it could be Christmas or just a bunch of friends getting together for drinks. Philip has a good point in that someone saw the camera had film in it and took the picture recently. It can be whatever you want it to be. One of the reasons photography is a great art form is that everyone sees something a little different in a photo. Enjoy.


Ken, St Patrick's Day is celebrated on the 17th of March here in Australia, same as the USA.


Charles, for some of us the 90's were a long time ago. It's a matter of relativity.


Mark, I process my own B & W but anything in colour I send out.



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Folks, how old the film is it doesn't really matter but reading all your comments made a dull day way brighter for me. Some of the people here have a fantastic sense of humor. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your thoughts and photographic experiences.
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Lets not forget the 90's are a very long time ago in the world of digital photography! You did well getting this Brownie for $2.00 and the photo is great would it not have been lost where it not for you.

This looks like one of the restaurants in Carlton , not sure about St Patricks day.

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To all of you who have posted responses thus far, THANK YOU! It's been a lot of fun for me. I really don't care if you agree or disagree with my interpretation of the photo, that's not the point. Let your imagination run wild. GO OUT THERE AND TAKE "PITCHERS"!



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I don't know why, but I just knew that you would agree with my interpretation of the photo! Thank you for the response.




As a "Trekkie" fanatic, I have to agree with you. Romulan ale is some powerful stuff. The closest thing to it on earth that I have come across is Tequila. In 1993 I was vacationing in Mexico and had the chance to share a couple of bottles with a pretty senorita. I don't remember much except waking up the next afternoon in my hotel room minus my wallet! :) Luckily, I still had my camera!



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