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Suggestions for software for live Photomontage?


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I am looking to display images via a photomontage at wedding receptions.

I am looking for a program that will allow me to use my laptop to

correct/crop my images, add/delete images from my slideshow, & output a full

screen slideshow on an external monitor for guests to view.


Anyone doing this type of display at wedding receptions & what software

program(s) are you using? I am using a PC laptop btw.


Thank you,


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Thanx all for your responses! I checked out Adobe Lightroom &

seems this is exactly what I am looking for. My only concern

is can it utilize a dual monitor set up? Like I said I wanted

to use a laptop for editing & output the slideshow to a full screen crt monitor. And my other concern is since it is in a Beta stage

right now are all the controls fully functional?


Thanx again,


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Can't you do most of this with Bridge? You can mark your faves by starring them and then

show only the starred images and display a slideshow directly from Bridge. It won't zoom/

pan, but at least you'll have your images shown.


Showit Web is pretty sweet for web based slideshows, but it won't show the images full

screen so I wouldn't suggest using that for a reception. Although I personally consider it a

MUST for after the wedding and getting my clients to talk about my business.

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