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iPhoto Organization

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How well does iPhoto 6 handle 10k+ images? I searched, but only saw a post for

v5 being slow without an update. I don't like deleting any pictures. I store all

my pictures on DVD and save a low quality JPEG on my computer.


Considering whether or not to spend time learning iPhoto, or buying Aperture or

Photoshop (being a student is awesome).



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iPhoto does a decent job with organization. I can't say anything about 10K+ images yet. It is very easy to import the library from iPhoto to Aperture. Why not try iPhoto and move to Aperture later if you need more power (btw, Aperture is a resource hog).


For editing, neither Aperture or iPhoto are the best. Here PS would be better. Both iPhoto and Aperture allow you to configure another editor.

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