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Hey thanks for doing this Mary.


Well done Marc, Lisa and Colleen (and everyone else too), nice work.


Lisa Berry was my vote except I could not get your email address Mary. Is that an issue with Photo.net?


Lovely use of the 24-105 Marc, what a great lens! The photog. probably assisted in the creation too, of course ;-)


Happy new year to all. D.

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David - I'm surprised.. It is real easy.. You just go to the community page and hit the button requesting the email address. I also mentioned that if people couldn't access it there to go to my webpage which is listed there as well. My website has my email.


Gino - For now it is a once a year contest that I announce in the Wedding Forum. Sorry you missed the announcement.


If we do another contest - and I'm thinking it will be easier now that I can do a "sticky" that stays on the top of the forum - I'll announce it - so just keep watching.


In any case - start thinking - "Best outdoor Winter shot" and "Best Indoor Portrait" (no backdrops as I'd like to see creative lighting/and creative use of interiors)

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Hi Mary,


I think once a month would be nice if possible with the top three of each month going to the finals end of year?


Marc will be on the judges panel. (Get rid of some stiff comp. ;-)


Suggestion for a first topic - indoor availible light portraits



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Yes Steve, fill flash was used. I wanted the outdoor background scene to show which was

brightly lit by the sun, and used flash to balance it out so the subject wouldn't silhouette.

Sorry, I don't recall the exact compensation on the flash ... probably + 1 or 1.5.

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