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Graflex RB/Super D telephoto lens optar/raptar


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Hi, does anyone have a tele lens (wollensak optar, raptar, dallmeyer...) with

his Graflex SLR? do you have any pics to share of some photos taken with it?

I have a graflex super D and I contemplate to buy a tele lens, but still don't

know which one... thanks for your sharing. Happy new Year

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The 15" Tele-Raptar only focuses to about 12' thus is not really usable for portraits. The 10" Tele-Raptar is a great lens, especially for portariture, but be aware that the aperture scale is nearly impossible to see/use due to the curtains on the pop-open lens hood. Of course only the factory 190mm Ektar has a pre-set aperture.
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I'm not sure of the bellows length on a Super D, but on my RB Auto 3x4, with 4x5 Graflok conversion, there's just enough bellows to do a 3/4 with a Dallmeyer 14" 4.5 that I picked up a while back. Here's a test image, from a scanned polaroid. Lovely lens, suprisingly sharp wide open with fantastic bokeh.<div>00JSyP-34370284.jpg.2dfb496527844c94e04fc31830089166.jpg</div>
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