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.....to shoot a wedding based on images in link pasted below?


I've been asked to potentially shoot a wedding this year ....I shot the photos

in the link at a family member's wedding. I'm a bit nervous about being the

primary photographer for someone's important day.


Appreciate your honest feedback.




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Looks like your albums been moved to: http://s132.photobucket.com/albums/q2/amandanelson80/


They're OK, but not great. I wouldn't hire you, but if you were going to do this for free for another family member, and they couldn't afford to hire a pro, maybe.


Honestly though, there is not enough shown there to prove whether you could do the job or not. A few nice snapshots is not enough to make a judgment. If that's all the good pictures you have form this wedding and you have not shot any other weddings, then I would say, "No, I would not trust you to shoot my wedding."

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These are very nice images. But, If I was shopping around for a photographer, there isn't enough there for me to hire you. But, if I had a limited budget, and I was thinking of hiring you because you fit that budget, it would be enough for me to hire you.


I think these are nice images, well exposed, your off to a great start. Make sure you are mentally, and photographically ready to handle someones big day! Oh... make sure you have backup equipment if you are going to do someones wedding too.

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`Wedding Photography` has many talented and experienced members. Unfortunately it has many more devotees who cause disaster and pain to themselves and others.


Photographing a Wedding properly is not a task that `should be entered into lightly`.


Save yourself [and others] the pain: leave it alone.


If your desire is to photograph weddings: learn; gain experience as an assistant to a well respected Professional; go to college or photography school; and go to business school.


If your love is photography, stay amateur, and take some beautiful [amateur] images at your friend`s wedding without the burden of contract:


Amateur is not a sin nor lower class.




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Don't "leave it alone." I haven't seen your images yet, since they're not showing up on the website now, but when I look back on my own images from two years ago, I wonder why anyone would have hired me.


However, photographing weddings for people who couldn't afford more experienced and expensive photographers ($100 per hour and $200 for the CD was my starting price) allowed me the opportunity to gain more experience and increase the quality of my photography & equipment. I photographed 12 weddings in my first year, and 29 weddings in 2006, and have already booked 19 for 2007 - at a price that's nearly triple my starting price.


I'd be glad I didn't listen to William's advice, if he'd told me two years ago what he's telling you tonight.



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I can still pull up the photos when I click the link the 4th poster created (many thanks to him for that). Thanks to everyone for the feedback. No, these are not professional photos, but I don't know if I would call them "snapshots" as another poster did. I'm not quite sure what the definition of "snapshot" is, but I picture it being the images in my grandmother's photo album.
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The decision as to when you are "ready" to shoot a wedding can be a difficult one . . . I do not market myself for weddings but on numbers occasions have people call asking if I do them . . . I usually give them my "turn down speech" in which many reply but I've seen your work(seniors, family, kids portraits) and I just love it, etc etc. The average person doesnt' realize that studio shooting is soooooo much different then a wedding where you can't control the light, background clutter, etc. In saying that though . . I have done two weddings. . . 1 was 2 years ago when I was just starting adn it was for a friend's daughter. . . I thought the pics were horrible but teh bride and groom loved them .. . I'm still shaking my head today over that .. . then my most recent wedding was a week ago . .. girl's sister had called me . . . and I politely declined. . . then about a month later the mom called me . . . again I politely declined. . . well then two weeks before the wedding the mom called me again . . . the photographer that they thought they had got someone else's deposit first and booked them . . .soooooo her daughter was again without a photogrpaher. . . after much hesitation and deep breathing I agreed to do it . . . this one went MUCH Better and I love alot of the pics. . . however. . . that still doesn't make me want to totally market myself for weddings . . . because sometimes things are a fluke. . .


If I could find someone to 2nd shoot with on a regular basis I think I would probably market myself more .. but what I have ran into is that the seasoned photographers don't want to "mentor" someone who will become their competition . . these were the exact words from a photographer near me that I had contacted . . . sooooo how do you go about getting experience if people won't let you tag along . .


This is a difficult situation . .. so I don't know what to tell you and I couldn't see any of the pics because the link wouldn't work . .. but I just always think that weddings are a one shot deal . .. you can't "reshooot" if things go wrong . . . so I guess the question to ask might be is DO YOUR TRUST YOURSELF?? If you are having to ask then you probably aren't ready but at the same time sometimes you just have to DO it to get over that hump . .. after this wedding I just did I feel much more confident to say yes if the right bride/groom came along .. .but still not confident enough to do htem exclusively . ..


Good luck with your decision!

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Sorry for the technical difficulty with being able to see the photos. I started uploading to my photo.net gallery, but only got one wedding photo up among the others, then reached the limit. I just joined this site yesterday, so am still figuring things out! I do appreciate criticism of what I was able to upload. I've been shooting for about a year now and am still learning (but aren't we all).
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> Don't "leave it alone." . . . I'd be glad I didn't listen to William's advice, if he'd told me two years ago what he's telling you tonight. <


Dear Ms Seay,


Your quote of my post was taken out of the explicit context in which it was written and without linkage to the following paragraph I wrote.


I did go on to say, get experience BEFORE taking on any contract for which one is solely responsible.


I respect your view based upon how you gained your experience which I read as: by going it alone, rather than serving time as an assistant.


And on this point of gaining experience we agree, merely it seems we disagree upon how to gain that experience.


I expect the same respect from you and also the courtesy of your reading, understanding and quoting a colleague in full context, not a just extracting grab out of context to illustrate your point.


By extracting the grab as you have, runs the risk of eliciting an unnecessary emotive response from the woman who asked a sincere question which might have a large impact.


Obviously, we both are attempting to give sincere advice to assist this lady with her decision, and we both draw on our personal experience so to do.


Please draw upon your experience and state it clearly as your opinion, but do not incorrectly re-write mine.



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