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King Concept rocks!


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I just got my Hewes SS reels in today. First impression... same as the Kindermann reels; pricewise and construction wise. But wait... there are two notches in the center to grab the perforations so centering of the film is automatic (unlike with the Kindermann reels where you only have 1 notch). Tried it in the dark several times with an exposed film and didn't have a problem at all. The presence of that second notch makes all the difference IMVHO (unless your going to use the Kindermann loader <i>which I don't have</i>)




Hewes reels are the easiest to use manual load SS reels that I have come across in a long time. If your thinking about SS tanks and reels I suggest you give these a gander. You may be pleasantly suprised.





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John, I couldn't agree with you more. I have been using these for

about eight years now and they wear like iron. I don't know why

someone didn't think of a system like that before. Every person who is

struggling with with those godawful plastic reels that gum up or is

using metal reels with those terrible springs should give the Hewes

reels a try, they are truly one of the few things in photography that

are worth their high

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I believe B&H Photo is the sole distributer of the King Concept line

(actually, I believe Omega manufactures these reels to Hewes

specifications). That's where I bought them. Alternatively, you may

also want to check this guy out:








He sometimes stocks NOS Hewes reels for 120 and 35 at an attractive

price (~15 dollars).

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It seems silly to develop (if you'll pardon the pun) religious fervor

over something like reels. But these reels are perfect. Try them

and you'll never go back. At 20 bucks a pop, they ain't cheap, but

they do wear like iron, as Dayton says. The wires are thicker in

diameter which gives them more rigidity (and longevity), and

those tabs mean that I can load a roll of film in about 15

seconds. Never had a load failure.

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The resone I asked about the Hewes reels is that I was just

starting to look for new reels after my "cheaper" mexico produced

reels purchased 10yrs at photo school are finally toasted. I

found that over the years as long as you dont drop a steel reel

they last. These Hewes reels seem to be well regarded on

some of the treads on this web site.

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Art. I don't remember reading anything in the <b>Dogme 95</b>

manifesto about not being able to load film onto anything but the old

style metal reels with the center clips.




But maybe I'm speaking too soon and Mr. Wang will mindfully amend this





<i>Uh Oh!!! Looks like I'm in violation of <b>Dogme 95</b> again!!!!





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