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Can an M4 be fitted with 75mm frame?


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Why bother? The 75mm frame line is not accurate anyway and you have to estimate in between the 50 and 75 lines. The worst thing they did from M4 onwards was to clutter up the viewfinder with framelines in the hope that people would go and buy all the lenses for them.
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" . . . The 75mm frame line is not accurate anyway . . ."


I think it is accurate enough. I've had no surprises or disappointments with it.


However, I think that in order to get the 75mm frame, you may have to give up your M4 frameline mask for an M6 one. And as everyone knows, the 50mm frame in that mask is dreadfully undersized--"Hey, what happened to my 50mm frame, it's too small--Hey Don, can you put it back the way it was?"


If Don can somehow add a 75mm frame to your original mask, then that's a different story. But I'm under the impression that the whole mask has to be changed out. There are some who use a 50mm finder on top of the camera "so I can see what I'm getting."


So If you use a 50, I would check on that point, think twice, and be careful what you ask for!

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Yes and no.


Basically the entire rangefinder (RF) would have to be replaced, with a new style unit, as

found in the metered bodies like the M6/MP/M7. The frameline masks from all but the

newest models are not interchangeable. Cost would probably be about $500.


But frankly this would be a very bad idea, for several reasons.


- You would end up with the undersized 50mm framelines found in all metered M bodies.


- The M4 finder may be the best one Leica ever made. It never flares and is very crisp.


- You would ruin the resale value of your M4, because the old style RF is one of it's biggest

selling points.


- Among Leica shooters ruining a M4 is blasphemy. The M4 is by many considered the

best M Leica ever made. It would be like taking a blowtorch to a vintage Porsche.

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"yes you can, but you'll lose your nice no flare finder in the M4" (Will Wright)


"The framelines (mask) have nothing to do with flare issues." (Stephen W.)


That's right, they do not. It's worth making that clear, as we don't want to frighten Pico away from adding his frameline out of flare concerns. Actually the only "no flare finder" is the one in the M3. All others flare to some extent: M2, M4, M5; it's just that the M6 is still worse than the M4, etc. unless it has been upgraded with an MP upgrade--after which the finder will then flare no worse than the M2, M4, etc.


I can see how there could be confusion. Leica cheapened the finder beginning with the M4-2 and M4-P, (and subsequently the M6). And the new frameline set began with the M6 and some late M4-P's. Thus both changes were made in rapid succession, which could cause them to become associated in one's mind. But the M6 flare problem resulted from the removal of a condenser lens--an economy move "Thanks, Leitz and Leica, for saving yourselves $1.75, to our everlasting distress." The upgrade consists of putting back what they took out. Nothing to do with the finder mask, though.



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"... the entire rangefinder (RF) would have to be replaced, ... as found in the metered bodies like the M6/MP/M7."


No, this is not correct. You would get an M4-P frame line masking installed (about $80); if you don't want the 28mm frame lines, they can be blocked out.


In the future I would email a Leica technician ("DAG" or Sherry K.) with questions such as this. You'll get the right answer the first time without any opinion and/or speculation.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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"You'll get the right answer...without any opinion"


Yes, but. The question was indeed simple, can or not? And that has a simple answer. But the opinions can be important to avoid a costly mistake. Tradesman who is selling a service will not suggest that though it can be done, it is probably not a good idea. And that is why this website is golden, even if sometimes there is some speculation and misinformation.

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>Bill Blackwell

>No, this is not correct. You would get an M4-P frame line masking installed (about $80);

if >you don't want the 28mm frame lines, they can be blocked out.


Are you sure about this? I had this same conversation with Don about three years ago and

from what I remember they aren't all exchangeable.


If someone emails Don, I would be curious to hear the answer. In the meanwhile I'll see if I

can dig up that email.

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