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Thoughts on possible business cards


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Please let me know what you think about these 2 options for my business cards.

Of course 1 thought is to go with both.


One concern always is, does the text stand out enough from the background.


I've tried to keep them simple. The image says what I do - or at least the

wedding part of it, most people would infer other options from a wedding

photographer - especially depending on the situation surrounding being given the

card. I will likely have a more generic card also though.<div>00JNDG-34253984.jpg.164dff2e912cf2274a3fa089a4aa8b31.jpg</div>

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hmmm...for me, the red really throws the rest of the black & white card off... on the other, I think more contrast (maybe a different image?) would be good, and yeah, the text on either needs to come off the card much more. You might try using a white block or stripe, about 50% opacity, and put the text on it...that would help I think...I'd like to see more punch in the image itself...
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Not crazy about either photo - they both need more contrast and the spot coloring isn't

working for me.


The text definitely needs to be the same orientation as the photo, like everyone's said.


The white stripe idea is a good one. Something to make sure the text stands out.


How about a two sided card? Put the picture on one side and the text on the other. That's

how I do mine and I get a lot of compliments on them.


Good luck!

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I tried to design my card and struggled.


The card isn't very big to begin with, the image competes with the text, and the clutter in the image and the text competes with the bride.


I would go with something simple... maybe a ring shot. Maybe an outdoor bridal portait with a blurred background.

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I would try cropping the picture so you just see her back & neck (or at least get rid of the mirror image if you can) and adding a lot more contrast. I think the image your using has too much detail for a bus. card...keep it simple. The white block works but I would trying centering your text. Good look!
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Okay, everyone's been really nice about the picture. It's a really BAD choice for your one

image to be your selling point! Her back, nobody wants their back to look like that in their

dress. Please, I promise you Brides will not like this Image! Both cards seems faded in

saturation as well. I know you must have other images. Try detail shots. Those are easy to

put words on and it's like it could be from anyone's wedding not that girls wedding!

I don't want to sound harsh but I just don't see how you think that the dress image is good

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The responses here are a great example of why us guys need to rely on a female input on so

much of what we do. Of course, I'm not crazy about the image choice either.<p>

BTW - I was curious so I checked out the website... Please don't take this the wrong way, but

I have to say that having a wedding image along with a photo of a cemetary and a car wreck

right below it might not be the best way to say "Hire me! I'm a happy-go-lucky photographer

who loves weddings!".... just a thought. That came to mind before I even looked at anything

else on the site. Cheers!

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Hi there.


Being female, and owning my own photography business, I side with the other ladies who think that you should find a different picture altogether, or as Casey stated, use an image that is more timeless, or a single detail.


The shot of the bride in her mirror is cheesy, no bride ever really comteplates her flowers!

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Thanks all for the quick replies.


Honest answers are certainly never a problem here ;-)


I'm have some other shots that I have been considering and will work on those.


I do have to disagree with some of the comments somewhat because the bride loves both pics (actually she requested the setup for the mirror pic based on something she had seen before, so cheesy, maybe, but aren't a lot of the standard shots). I agree I do not like the expression on the flower pic. I went with what she liked and though others would as well. As I've seen a number of times in these discussions, what we like and what the customer likes can be two different things.


Having said that though, I do recognize that those that have responded probably have a great deal more experience than me in both the photography and marketing sides of this and are relating that experience.


Thanks again.

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