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Summilux 35 Asp. users

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I've got one and I can't say enough great things about it. I used to

have a Summicron-ASPH, but sold it for the LUX when I started using a

Tri-Elmar, because the LUX has a 3-stop advantage. I only use it in

low-light situations. I bought mine used, it wasn't that much more

than the Cron is new, plus it shares filters with my 90/2.8. The

performance of the Cron and Lux ASPH's is so similar that unless the

money is the only consideration, the Lux is the definite way to go.

Even in size and weight, there isn't much difference, not like

comparing the Lux to a pre-ASPH Cron. I've still got my Canadian pre-

ASPH if I need a really tiny lens.

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The 35 Summilux ASPH is my primary M lens. It's the one I wouldn't do

without. Performance in color & B&W are unsurpassed. It's a little

larger than the Summicron, but the extra stop, and comparable

performance wide open, are worth it. I often pair it with the

Tri-Elmar, too, or a 21, 75, or 90 (get the idea it's a flexible

lens?). For me the Summilux is the primary lens, and the others come

along for the ride.

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I've had mine for almost 4 years now & thinks it's the best lens I've

used, by far! I recently added a .85 TTL and finding the viewfinder

cutoff a pain, I'm using an accessory 35mm viewfinder. It's great,

especially if you prefocus and set your exposure in advance.












This is my first contribution; the website is great!

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Here's another vote for the Summilux ASPH. I bought the Summicron

ASPH first (because it's all you really need, right?), then got

the 'lux. Six months later the Summicron went on the block. Like

many others here, it's my primary lens. I team it with a 3E and a 90

AA for most of my shooting.




I don't find it much heavier than the Summicron, and that extra stop

is sooo useful.




It's a wonderful lens, pin-sharp at every stop, quite resistant to

flare, fantastic colour rendition - a true general-purpose lens.

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Thanks for all your responses guys! I think I'm going to take the

plunge and join the club. It's the price that's won me over. My user

lens is offered to me at $1250. Only fault are factory gluespot

residue on the outside edge of the 2nd element-outside the light

path. Can't loose here I think.




I'm curious about your post Martin. How is it possible 2 35mm lenses

have different DOF at the same aperature?




Also Eric, what specifically are you disappointed about at F1.8 and

F2 and compared to what?





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M. Watson,




I work with several formats (Mostly Leica and Hasselblad, I dont use

the Linhof much lately). Each format as it limitation so what I do

with one is always pretty different from the other. I use the Leica to

take pictures the same way my eyes see the world. When I look at

another person, I look at her in the eyes. At that moment, the only

thing in focus his her eyes, that is why I always do wide open shot

with fast lens in 35mm world (I do casual portrait of the people close

to me and I keep a visual diary of my surrounding). The extra stop

make a huge difference in DOF at close distance or for camera shake at

low speed. I leave the "HyperfocalTripodCableReleaseSpiritLevel" (F/64

mentality) to the other format. Buy the Summilux only if you plan to

use the extra stop (Heck, I slow Tri-X to 50asa E.I. to be able to use

the lens at f/1.4 in sunny condition!).

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