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importing a border

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Sorry if this question has been asked before, but I've been researching the archives and can't find

anything. I have several photo borders I downloaded from "Andrea's Borders"--polaroid, hassy, etc.

Does anyone have any idea how to import them into a photo? Or can you point me towards a site that




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I downloaded the first one to see. These appear to be simple borders on transparent layers. The key to applying these are to use layers.

I am going to assume you have a photo editing program that can handle layers (i.e. Photoshop or Photoshop Elements)


Open the image you want apply to border to and open the border you want to use. You will note the border probably has two layers, one for the border and one for a backgound color to simulate the picture.


The next thing would be to resize (with resampling) the border to match the image size you want to apply (In my trial I found the border did not resize correctly for my image size.) Be prepared to modify the border after resizing to make it fit you image.


After you have the border resized to fit you image. Then copy the border layer to the clipboard. (Select all Ctrl-A then Copy Ctrl-C).

Make your image the active one. Then paste the border into your image. (Ctrl-V)

It should appear above you background image as a layer.


Make what ever changes you want to finish the result. Save as a new file name so you will not destroy the original image.


Hope this helps...



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I'm having trouble with finding the frames; I downloaded one, and....then what? I've read somewhere that plugins are to be found under the filter menu. Not inPS6. At least not mine. Any hints? (Usually at times like these, I'm overlooking the obvious...)



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I downloaded the file Borders A. This is a compressed file (Zip)that first must be unzipped. I used Winzip. After you unzip the files you will have normal (psd) files that can be edited or worked with as you please.

These are not filters....

When you unzip the files you need to place the files where you desire on your computer.

After that then open one of them in your PS6 and you will see they are normal image files.


Hope this helps



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Thanks...but whenever I download these things, they disappear. I was able to find them once, but trying to open them just provoked a barrage of error messages. I think I need to find someone who'll sell me a cd with frames in JPEG form.


Thanks anyway,


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I have these borders too and they explain in the file how to use them. When you download write down WHERE you are downloading your borders (which are in zip format). That is your first start... Then follow the instruction above and in the file when you open it.
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