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Questions on Bosque del Apache


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A business trip is taking me to Albuquerque next week and I thought of

venturing to Bosque however I saw some postings that indicate that this

time of year may be too late. Is that only for various species of

birds etc.. or does that apply to wildlife activity as a whole? At this

point in my photography, anything more than your common suburban

backyard animals would be exciting to me. I should be able to make it

there close to sunset (currently 6:15). My lens selection will be

limited to either the Canon 70-200/2.8L with 1.4x or 2x and/or a 400/

5.6. I know that 400 is probably the starting point for birds, but

what can I expect for the other wildlife? I will probably take Velvia

and 100SW or should I be thinking something else due to the low light

at this time? Thanks for any recommendations/experiences.

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Bob, <p>

I live just a couple of hours south of the Bosque del Apache, but I've only been there less than a dozen times. (But I fly over it almost every weekend). From my limited knowledge, I can tell you that there will still be plenty of wildlife there for your enjoyment. With a little luck, you might actually get to see one of the newly re-introduced Mexican Grey Wolves! I did a quick AltaVista search on "Bosque+del+Apache" and got over 800 returns. <a href="http://sturgeon.irm1.r2.fws.gov/u2/refuges/newmex/bosque.html">This one</a> looks pretty informative.<p>

(You really can't go wrong. A few hours in a NWR is a good way to put a day in the city behind you.) Let me know how your trip turns out.

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There are coyotes at Bosque year-round. You'll be near the peak of the spring exodus for cranes and waterfowl, if you don't want to go unless it's full of snow geese and cranes then call ahead to see how many are still around.


If nothing else, you'll get a handle on the place.


I have a short bit on Bosque at my

<a href="http://donb.photo.net">site</a>.

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The Bosq this time of year will be great, previous messages to you are right on. I was there for 2 days in Jan. Zillions of Snow Geese at that time. Get there before daylight to see them "group ascend" or about an hour before sunset to see them coming back in, usually in groups of 5-25. Best lens is your biggest. I use a prime 300mm with a 1.4. Your 400 plus a converter should be perfect. My opinion: This was my first year there, I will go back next year. Larry, El Paso

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There are still a multitude of birds at the Bosque at this time (e.g thousands of ducks, (last weeks count said 25,000 ducks), heron, yellowlegs, turkeys, pheasants etc), as well as coyote and deer. A lot of these can be photographed from the car with the lenses you have. I was down last week with relatives, but did not take any photos (it was also very windy). We saw 2 coyote stroll along the road in front of us. There well still be some snow geese and canada geese (those that realise they have too good a life here and don't want to migrate). Most wintering birds (geese and cranes) have left. The 2 ultralight whoopers left last Thursday (although we didn't see them on Tuesday). One thing to remember about spring in NM - it is the windy season. If you can't get down till just before sunset, to make the most of the last light you may want to turn left just after entering the refuge tour loops (the end of the Farm Loop) and catch the various birds along the shore here - you can photograph from your car (approx 20 ft from the shore) ducks, yellowlegs etc. If it looks like a colorful sunset do the farm loop after you've spent some time with the birds. The sunsets with the water in the foreground and the Chupedera Mtns in the background are pretty speccy. I'm hoping to get down later this week (depending on my allergies).

p.s. just drop of a G3 for me on your way through Socorro.



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