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300 mm lens compatility and quality


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Pentax made three versions of the 300mm f/4. You can find reviews at http://stans-photography.info/ and more information at http://kmp.bdimitrov.de/ I think you may be looking at the older K version, which is probably a good lens. However the M and A versions are considered to be classics and are two of the best lenses that Pentax ever made. Unfortunately they seldom come on the market and when they do sell for $700-$800, but they are worth waiting for and saving for. I have the 300 f/4 A and it is a superb lens. It is outstanding on either my ist film camera or my istD digital. I use it with a 1.4x Pentax converter with almost no loss of clarity. I do not have a 2x converter but most wildlife photographers do not recommend them. All older Pentax lenses are compatible with the K100D. Hope this helps.
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