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CF card or camera problem?


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<p>I'm posting this in a couple different photo forums in hopes that someone

will have seen this before and know what to do- thank you in advance for your



<p>I have a bizarre new problem that I'm hoping someone here will recognize. I'm

using a Nikon D70 and a 1GB Viking Interworks compact flash card. After shooting

maybe 50 or so photos yesterday and today, when I went to download the contents

of the card looked like this: <a href="http://ameralia.net/CFCard.jpg"



<p>There were 67 files or folders on the card, all unreadable, and as you can

see the file sizes and dates are ridiculous. Properties indicate that there are

98.6 GB of files on my 1GB card!</p>


<p>Has anybody seen anything like this before? In the last week or so when

shooting there have been a couple files that have recorded to the card but were

then unreadable, either on the camera or by the PC- though I can't be sure it

was this card I had the problem with each time, as I swap out cards a lot.</p>


<p>Any ideas would be most helpful- I can't even imagine where to start googling

for this problem! Thanks all.</p>


<p>Andi Hazelwood</p>

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i used a nikon d70 whenever we have our concerts. the last time i used it was last september/october. i've never come across this problem through all the time that i've been using it. i'm also using a 1gb card but it's an sd card and not cf... how about you just download the photos as they are? like, just download them as data then format the card and just try to have it fixed in the future. i'm sure there's a way the data there can be downloaded. the files may not be necessarily picture files though...
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I tried that, but it says it can't read from the source. So it would appear I can't even copy the data off the card. I think it's toast. I think I'll keep trying other methods for a little longer before I format the thing though. Thank you anyway for the input, I do appreciate it!
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I would try the same card in a different camera, and a different card in your camera. I would make multiple attempts as the issue might not be systematic. Before deleting the card, would also try to read it from a different PC and, if you are using a CF reader, with a different CF reader too.
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Andi, I've had some wierd experiences with CF cards but nothing like that ! I've always contacted the Camera manufacturer rep or CF card rep. There are some known problems that they don't generally notify the general public about. I don't think I'll even try to guess the problem. Was the card a new one or has it been pre formatted in another model - sometimes camera dealers pre use equipment and re package it again without buyers knowing. Has it been inserted in a Card Reader - sometimes this will read wrong file #'s. Has the card been dropped - this can cause error or image loss. What file numbering settings are onboard the camera. Good luck
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I Can't really speak to the odd file names or general cause of the problem, but can you retreave the photos ? if not then you could try a file recovery program such as "RescuePro" which I got free when I bought a 1 GB cf card. Don't know if all cards come with this or not. My Brother-in-law deleted all the photos off a card and got them all back with a program like this. There are a few good ones for sale and everyone with digital cameras or cam-corders ahould have one just in case. Good luck. Al
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