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How many "Front Rangers" visit this forum?

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It seems like there are slightly more people from the region between, say, Cheyenne and Pueblo than statistics would justify. There might be some purpose (lens swaps or some such) in knowing who we are.




For the folks from elsewhere, the Front Range is the strip of Colorado where you can see both the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains - fast becoming a megalopolis. Denver is the center, but not necessarily the heart.




Front Rangers are a little different. We know, for example, that winter is NOT December/January/February, or June/July/August (for the ANZACs), but February/March/April.




Just curious.

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Jeff: That's OK - Until I was 8 I grew up in Altadena - as I recall

winters there were an 1/8th of an inch of snow between the grass blades

once every 4 years. 8^)




If you're feeling left out - move to Colorado. It seems half of

California already did! 8^) 8^)

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Not a Front Ranger, but I'm familiar with the term from reading John

McPhee's superb trilogy on the geological history of North America. If

you haven't read McPhee, run, don't walk, to the nearest bookstore and

pick up any of his titles. He won the Pullitzer for nonfiction a few

years ago.

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I lived in Boulder from 1964 to 1970. Does that count? When I

moved there the population was about 26,000. You could go up

on Flagstaff any day and not see another person.




Last time I was there I got lost.





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Jeff: 3771 Alzeda Rd. - just off Chaney Trail 'way up in the foothills

above Loma Alta.




Mani: I won't exclude anyone - but if we happen to get a FRUG going or

some such (?) 8000 miles may be a heck of a commute for meetings....

through solid rock. =8^o

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