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Sensor dust removal in PS2...automation

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Hello all,


I go out for a shoot and later realize that the sensor dust has affected most

of my photographs. Now let us assume that the sensor dust spots on all the

images have a fixed postion, is there anyway I can automate the task of stamp

tool (for dust removal from all my images) in PS2.


Thanks in advance for all replies.




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The lab i use had an amusing batch of 80 or so images come in this summer of Sean

Connery with his arm around different people, and the photographer refused to spot all

80. I happened to turn up, and we spent a while trying to figure out how to make an

action, but sadly PS doesn't record the clone stamp tool.


The solution he found was to use the Patch tool, as it is recorded in the action.


I hear that the new Canon 400d comes with a spot removal utility, and i believe that

Nikons come with one. I suppose we can assume that CS3 will have one, and if it doesn't

then Adobe is making a silly mistake.


Please do post your results, and let us know how it goes.



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T Feltus is right about Canon... with every Canon digital SLR (and maybe other products too?),

they ship software called Digital Photo Pro, which has a batch spot removal tool. It's just like

you say. The dust is fixed, so you use a healing-brush-like tool to fix it on one, and then tell

the software to do the same on all the images.

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