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S3 Pro Workflow Questions

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Hi All


I've just taken delivery on an S3 Pro at a great price due to the impending

release of the S5 Pro.


I'm still testing and trying to figure out the best workflow solution and was

hoping to get some comments on a few questions:


Shooting the maximum RAW file produced a file about 25mb in size. When opened in

Adobe Lightroom, the application only recognises it as a 6mp file. It would

appear that Fuji's software needs to work with the data in the RAW file in order

to produce a 12mp file.


It would further appear that Fuji should stick to making cameras . . . the

bundled software is horrendous. The only good thing this software seems to do is

convert the 6mp file into a 12mp file with that extended dynamic range smoke and



The trouble is that now it's a 12mp tif file - not a RAW file. I like to change

exposures slightly, sharpness, noise and WB as a RAW file level, not in PS as a

tif file.


Then there is this Hyper Utility software which is not sold with the camera,

does not appear to be available anywhere as an online download, or even as a

boxed product (BH, Calumet). I did find it through more luck than anything else

at some kind of Fuji online store in the US. I don't live in the US and don't

have the requred zip shipping code.


(Why, oh why, don't they just sell the thing as a download?)


Upon reading further about this Fuji software product, it would appear that it

does not sound like the kind of product one really wants as a professional

solution. Seems to be a lot of bad reviews about it.


So what does everyone else do? I see other reviews about people using ACR and

other with Capture 1. Fine - but if the demo version of Lightroom is not able to

convert the Fuji RAW file from 6mp to the 12mp dynamic range file, why would

either of these other third party products be able to?


12mp jpg files straight from the camera is starting to look like the best

workflow option for my work - but then I don't get to tweak WB, noise, sharpness

in RAW.


Thanking you for comments and assistance in advance.



Alistair Cotton

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I use the Hyper Utility software for shooting tethered to a laptop, personally I haven't tried it for imaging software. Too complicated for me!


I work on the raw files in CS2 and am very happy with the results. I know that the camera has a terrific reputation for the quality of its jpeg files but I'm not good enough to get consistent results in jpeg, raw gives me the control I need

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