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Cheap TFT (Samsung Syncmaster 931c)

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Hey there,


I am searching for a cheap TFT as I am starting to study and dont have a bunch

of money to spend.


While looking for a average TFT in a price region between 0-300 EUR or 0-450

US-Dollars, I found this Samsung Syncmaster 931c which I could buy for around

300 Euros.


Samsungs says this TFT does have 15% more colour-accuracy than usual TN-

Panels, especially green and red-tones should be strong and detailed. It has a

contrast of 700:1 (dynamic 2000:1), DVI and analog, 300 brightness, 160? and

so on. Sounds about right for a cheap TFT I am aware that I cant expect more

of it!


But as we now these are only the numbers of the manufacturer. Does anyone of

you have experience with the Samsung Syncmaster 931c? Or can you recommend

another TFT in this pricerange with a good Display that shows colours very

correct and has got a good contrast?


Would be awesome to hear some opinions.


best wishes!

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I've been looking at the same monitor and have decided to go with it when I build a new computer in a month or so. What you need with an LCD for photo editing is one that has a full range of user adjustable controls and this one does. Most other LCDs in this price range don't. This makes it better for calibration. And it's got a good static contrast ratio at 700:1. This is on par with some La Cie monitors and better than others. It's also on par with some Eizo displays although not as good as others. I'm not saying the Samsung is as good as a La Cie or Eizo, just that it has good features for its price point. It's brightness level is down a bit compared to some others but not dramatically and chances are you're not going to have it set to full brightness anyway.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I recently purchased this monitor. I had been editing on my laptop's LCD screen, so I'm completely impressed with this monitor. I calibrated it using a Monaco Optix XR Pro. The brightness level is turned down to "15" (0-100) as recommended by the calibrator. The monitor gives you complete control over brightness, contrast, RGB, and a bunch of other options too. The software provided isn't very good, in fact I deleted it. I've used the OSD menu to adjust the hardware settings (brightness, contrast, and RGB) as recommended by the calibrator. It was very easy to calibrate.


The screen tilts forward and back which was helpful for ensuring that the hockey puck calibrator stays in contact with the screen.


Keep in mind that I've never used a high-end LCD, so my only comparison is with a laptop LCD, but I can't see why anyone would need to spend more. IMO, a great value, and a very usable tool for editing.

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