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Nikon D50 mirror tilt


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Good time everyone !



I bought my D50 last June, and this November I mentioned that mirror inside got



This result in ROTATION OF ALL PICTURES about 1 degree, except those, which were

done when camera was placed on horizontal surface (in this case the image in

viewfinder is sligtly rotated ofcourse).


Please, I need urs responce, if anybody meet such an issue with D50 ?


It is possible to fix it myself ?




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I can understand that if somehow your focusing screen is tilted by 1 degree, your compositions are off so that your final images are off. (Since the focusing screen is fixed inside the viewfinder, it shouldn't be able to rotate.) If somehow your mirror is tilted, it should have no noticable effect in the image in the viewfinder and certainly not the final image.


How can you tell the mirror is tilted by 1 degree, anyway? That difference is minimal and should have no ill effects.


If you put one of those leveling bubble in your hot shoe, it might help:


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There had been cases of tilted sensors that are out of alignment with the viewfinder, that a carefully aligned composition yielded a tilted final image. This is a qc issue, and could happen to any dslr. I believe many may go unnoticed for quite some time until demanding composition is required.


Your case sounds a bit wierd. It seems more likely that the "horizontal surface" your camera rested was tilted. I agree that you could use a spirit level to ensure a proper leveling.


I would say that it is more important to check whether the final image agrees with your viewfinder.

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All I described relatively this issue was cheched few times and seems it is true


- One degree of rotation was recognized caz all pictures being normally adjusted in the viewfinder then appear to be rotated about 1 deg (measured in Photoshop -- see the example picture 1)


- Standing on horizontal surface (desk) camera produses absolutely horizontal pictures -- it means sensor is aligned horizontally well (picture 2).


- If camera is on horiz. surface, but u will nevetheless look through viewfinder -- u WILL see a tilted picture.


Add a bit logic to make a conclusion that mirror and only mirror is tilted :)


I've checked also, that nikon D50 mirror fixation consists of only ONE delimiter (when mirror is in its low position), from right side, so left side of mirror is "floating".. stupid construction.. really hard to add one more delimiter and really tough to fix ursself..


But really thanks for feedback anyway..



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Hi Nick,


Were you able to find the solution to your problem. I too own a D50, and it has started showing a tilt in all images i shoot since last few months. I correct them using Photoshop, but its real frustrating seeing your images getting cropped to avoid tilt.



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