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Nikon 50mm/1.8 optimal performance


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In a dimly lit room, in someone's hands, it would perform best wide open. On a tripod, in bright light, you could go as small as you cared. That's like asking, "How does my car handle the best?" There is no correct answer; it's all in what you're doing. Back to my original questons, if there is, indeed, a problem to be solved.
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Most lenses perform best 2 stops down. I typicall shoot at f4 with this lens unless light conditions warrant otherwise. Unlike the 50mm 1.4, it performs well wide open, but does do a little better when stopped down a couple of stops.


Best way to find out is to do a little testing on your own - shoot the same subject at various apertures and compare the results.

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You can run your own test for your lens. Find a brick or textured wall, put your camera on a solid tripod and set up about five feet from that wall. Then shoot in JPG LARGE and run through each full stop. Make sure you don't jiggle the camera when doing this. Then, graph the JPG file size. You will end up with graphs similar to what I did on this page:




Then you will know where your particular 50mm f1.8 is best. It will take 15 minutes to do this.

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