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Source for smooth OM pressure plates?


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Really want to shoot some more Kodak HIE -- but the dimpled pressure plates in

any of my four OM bodies just ruin this stuff. Worst affect is in a blank sky.


Anyone know a source for the flat plates?


Alternatively --and I speak heresy now-- I've considered trying out one of those

much-loved cameras from other makers, like a Nik*n, Can*on or C*ntax. ;-)

Are there any bodies from those makers to avoid when using infrared?

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They were available at some time in the past, but when I was looking to start using HIE I had no luck finding one. I ended up buying a cosmetically challenged Nikon F2A. The F2A works well enough and has the smooth pressure plate, uses pre-AI Nikkors which are fairly cheap compared to OM Zuikos.



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Robert, yes i too read that here on the wonderfully-useful photonet forums. and... it didn't work. I've wrapped a section of 120 backing paper around the pressure plate, and it appears that HIE still is getting light bouncing back through it. (?) confounds me, but since HIE ain't cheap, I won't any longer fool with that and will find a smooth plate somewhere. the responses have been helpful, thanks all!
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