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DiG!C 3 + non-L prime OR DiG!C 2 + L-zoom?


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Given that the Digic3 DSLR will be out soon, I'm wondering what would be a

better investment.


I currently have saved up enough to purchase one L-zoom, still debating if I

should get the 24-70L, 24-105L IS or 70-200L IS...should I get an L to go with

my 30D,




Would you suggest that I stick to my 24 f2.4 / 50 f1.8 (both non-L) and

upgrade my 30D (which I purchased just in the summer) to the new FF (2D/3D-->

i doubt they'll call it 3d...since ppl might think it actually shoots 3d



The reason I raise such question is that I'm not too happy with the quality of

the pic, i.e. the resolution (whether it's optical / sensor-related I'm not

sure) is rather poor (the 70-200L IS + xt did quite good compared to my


So would a new sensor solve my problem or would an L lens does the trick?


Also, if you suggest getting a digic3-DSLR, would you trade in the 30D

(perhaps to help paying for half an L) or leave it as a backup (I'm making

money with my photography, so I'd say having a backup's nice?)?




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"Given that the Digic3 DSLR will be out soon, I'm wondering what would be a better



One of the main features Canon trumpets about Digi3 "facial recognition" AF. Yawn...

Being that the XTi/400D was released without Digi3 while contemporary new point 'n

shoots had it, I wonder if there will be any real world advantage beyond the marketing

hype? Maybe a little more speed and better noise reduction but nothing to scream about if

the lastest crop of Powershots are any indication.


"The reason I raise such question is that I'm not too happy with the quality of the pic, i.e.

the resolution (whether it's optical / sensor-related I'm not sure) is rather poor (the

70-200L IS + xt did quite good compared to my combo). So would a new sensor solve my

problem or would an L lens does the trick?"


The 30D is capable of excellent resolution. Of course the main deciding factor in image

quality lies behind the camera. You have a great camera and excellent primes. I'd suggest

improving your photographic technique and post-processinhg skills. I'd start by using a

tripod and stopping down to optimal apertures, e.g., F5.6-F16. Shoot RAW, adjust

parameters to taste and tweak the converted TIFF in PS.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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If you have got problems with the resolution, there are two possilble causes:


1) AF is not working correct: Some other part of the image is sharp but not the "right" one. This is easy to check: Activate the center AF field and make some test shots. If something in front of or behind the subject is sharp but not the subject itself, you have a problem with AF. This is probably a case for warranty.


2) Your lens is not sharp enough. Try to stop down to f/8 or F/11 and check sharpness. If it is sharp by then, one of the mentioned L-lenses will help to get better sharpness shooting wide open. (I replaced a 28-105 by a 24-150L and it did make a big difference shooting wide open)

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Actually, all of the top PowerShots models now sport "DIGIC III Image Processor with Face

Detection technology for superior image quality, fast operation and low power


SD900, SD800 IS, G7, SD40 and A710 IS.


I have a SD700 IS and recently compared it with my sister's brand new SD800 IS. The

SD800 IS has 1 MP more rez, DIGIC III and lots more plastic for the same cost. LCD is

slightly better. Honestly they were very similar in response, battery life and image quality

so the diff is underwhelming. I couldn't find any AF advantage to the "Face Detection

technology." They both lock on just fine. Oddly my SD700 IS has a noticeably faster frame

rate, so methinks dis DIGIC III tis da fut 'n da hurricane...

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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Felix, before you can receive an adequate response, I think you need to define three areas: <ol><li>What focal lengths do you primarily shoot?</li><li>How frequently do you need fast shutter speeds, or shoot in low available light with no flash?</li><li>What do you mean by the resolution is poor?</li></ol>The last question you can probably answer by providing examples of your problem photos and explaining what parts are not up to your standards.
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I'm suspecting AF's off...despite my effort at setting hand-held-able speed (when tripod is not an option), I don't get sharp images anymore.


I do remember when I first got the primes, they did give me good results...come to think of it...


Now how do I check if anything's off (sensor / lens) in terms of my gear's ability to focus properly?

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I'm wondering what would be a better investment.


IMO the camera body is no longer an investment, with the fast changes. by far good glass will outlast many bodies.


I have not seen much digit 3 equipment but I notice that canons confidence has omitted RAW, Hmm would they also dare do the same with DSLR?


have fun

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<p>I'd like the latest and greatest technology, too, but to this point nobody has been able to explain to me what, exactly, DIG!C III will bring to my DSLR that DIG!C II doesn't. Or why there's a bang in the middle of the name.</p>


<p>I may be upgrading my 20D to either the 30D's successor or the 5D's successor. Or to a 5D if the 5D's successor offers me nothing I particularly care about and I get an opportunity to pick up a 5D at a clearance-sale price. What's going to matter for me is actual features. How many megapixels? What's the noise like? Frame rate? AF performance? Dust removal? Stuff like that. Whether this is achieved via DIG!C II or DIG!C III or by shoving a bunch of elves into the camera, I couldn't care less; I just care about the results.</p>

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Since the 30d is a fine camera, and both lenses you list are great, I tend to think you either have a flawed sample or a problem in your technique.


Put your camera on a tripod, focus carefully, shoot in raw mode. Use photoshop to import and examine the results. George Lepp once said "it only takes one sharp image to determine who or what is at fault".


Even using IS at "hand-holdable" speeds, I notice a distinct difference in the sharpness of my shots when I use a tripod.

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"Ronaldo R , nov 26, 2006; 05:33 p.m.

Sounds like you might have to wait for the [inevitable] Digic 4. Or 5 to be sure."


Ad hominem comments are not permitted. You can comment on someone's ideas of course, just don't make it personal. If you must tell John Doe that you think he's an idiot and shouldn't bother posting to the forum, do so via email, or better still, don't do so at all. Any ad hominem or personally directed comments of an offensive, critical or combative nature will be removed without notice or warning.


Ronaldo, stop trying to spread your hate to other users with your uselss insulting comments that are meant to make fun of other users.

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You need to loosen up and think a bit deeper Weiyang! You're reading far too much into that

remark, and it certainly doesn't raise to the level of mean spiritedness let alone hate. What

he's basically saying, in a catty and mildly sarcastic sort of way, is use what you got and don't

waste your time waiting for the many fabled cure-all technology around the corner.

Sarcasm--if not insulting or mean spirited--is powerful communication technique, albeit

perhaps confusing to those less skilled in English.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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I don't ecen know what imagine processor my 1D has, but it takes excellent photos, even with its 4 megapixel sensor and a 50mm 1.8.


DIGIC, megapixels, eye following autofocus - sound all like great marketing schemes to me.


I would keep the 30d and buy nice glass.

But this doesn't necessarily mean that the lens will help. Maybe there are outside factors, what mode(Av, Tv, M, P) do you shoot in?


The 30d is one of the best performers out there when comparing resolution/IQ/low light performance/price.



On the other hand; I was thinking of buying a 30d, so if you do sell...let me know.

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yea...thanks for all your comments, I just thought I knew my equipments enough and so I'm just being anal and try to push the boundary a bit further and wondering if it's the equipment that's holding me back...


apparently I can do way more with this camera is what I gathered from your responses. any "standard" way of testing if I have a good copy for everything? 30D, Lens etc etc.? Thanks.


(and no, I don't get offended...but let's try to be more constructive...I know how to shoot M and RAW...but perhaps there's something missing thus leading to my "problems")

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>> Ad hominem comments are not permitted. You can comment on someone's ideas of course, just don't make it personal. If you must tell John Doe that you think he's an idiot and shouldn't bother posting to the forum, do so via email, or better still, don't do so at all. Any ad hominem or personally directed comments of an offensive, critical or combative nature will be removed without notice or warning.


Are you the new moderator?


>> You need to loosen up and think a bit deeper Weiyang! You're reading far too much into that remark, and it certainly doesn't raise to the level of mean spiritedness let alone hate. What he's basically saying, in a catty and mildly sarcastic sort of way, is use what you got and don't waste your time waiting for the many fabled cure-all technology around the corner. Sarcasm--if not insulting or mean spirited--is powerful communication technique, albeit perhaps confusing to those less skilled in English.


Nicely put.


>> I just thought I knew my equipments enough and so I'm just being anal and try to push the boundary a bit further and wondering if it's the equipment that's holding me back...


Being anal is never a good idea :-)


>> any "standard" way of testing if I have a good copy for everything? 30D, Lens etc etc.?


Tape a bill to a wall and shoot it in various apertures from wide open to f/8 or f/11. Check 100% crops from the center and corners. Use a tripod and - if possible - also MLU. Use both AF and MF to verify that this is not AF error.


>> but perhaps there's something missing thus leading to my "problems"


Perhaps. Follow the above instructions and post examples.


Happy shooting,


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