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Hong Kong Prices

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Some current (lowest) Hong Kong prices as at 22 March 2002:

(US1$=HK$7.75, AU$1=HK$4.




Leica M7 body $15,900. The dealers happily tell you that the

price will drop to around HK$13,000 within 3-6 months as all

dealers get full stock. Black 0.72 only at the moment. Official

import, not grey market.




Leica M6TTL body $11,000 grey market, about $11,500 for





Vario Elmar R 21-35 Zoom $12,000. Price will also drop in 3-6

months to about $10,500. Official , not grey market.




Vario Elmar R 35-70 Zoom $5,200 for grey market, about $5,800

for official. Grey market has full guarantee.




Vario Elmar R 80-200 Zoom $8,000 for grey market, about

$8,500 for official. Grey market has full guarantee.




Apo Elmarit 180/2.8 $13,800 for grey market. Bargain! Full





I also priced a Contax T3 at $3,700 and a Contax TVS III at





The Australian Leica agent told me that they were supplying

Leica M7 bodies to the Australian dealers at the same price as

the M6TTL . He also stated that the price of the M6TTL would fall

soon. I pass this on for what is worth.




This does not seem to be consistent with the Hong Kong price

structure because the Hong Kong agent's "recommended list

price" for the M7 is way above the M6TTL list price. Who really





Hope this is useful.

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WP, that's US Dollars 890 for an ASPH 35 Summicron!




A good price? People in the US and the UK would weep tears of joy

upon encountering such a low price ;-)




By the way, I think I mentioned in another thread that my dealer

offered me an M7 for USD 1920. I am holding off, and trying to

rationalize my Leica holdings (fat chance).

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I have the names of two great dealers in HK if anyone needs them. You

can email me off list for them. I¨'ve bought from both of them. Paid

$1490 for a new M6TTL, $1000 for a new 35 Cron ASPH and $440 for the

Motor M. These prices were shipped to Sweden!




Details of these sellers can also be found here:








in the link BOOKMARKS and then the folder DEALERS FROM AROUND THE





Cheers, Duncan

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