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Leica in Cape Town South Africa


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Going to Cape Town South Africa in April for 2 weeks. Are there any leica shops

there? Does anyone know interesting places there or thereabouts for good

photography, places to visit, places not to visit - any hints or tips will be

most welcome.Planning to take M6 with 2 lenses and my Nikon D200 with 18-200mm

lens. What more do I need? Thank you.

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A beautiful city in a beautiful country. Take a polarising filter! Wide-angle lenses will come in handy. I have never found a good Leica shop. Most photographic gear is wildly expensive by US standards. Cape Town has one pro photo shop that I know of - somewhat out of the downtown area to the west of the Castle. I do occasionally see some very nice Leicas for sale on that auction site, but when I once tried to contact the seller he was evasive about any personal info.Sea and sand are ever-present so you should think of a way to protect your camera equipment. The winds (the Cape Doctor) can be very strong and blow for days.Finally, I would be remiss not to mention personal safety. While probably no worse than many US or European cities, Cape Town and its environs have a well-earned reputation for crime. I won't delve into the sociological explanations for such, but you should be constantly aware of your possessions and surroundings. You should not visit some areas unaccompanied. You should not walk anywhere in the city at night. E-mail me for a more detailed discussion - smppix at gmail dot com
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Just to clear up a point - the Leica eB*y seller mentioned was shown as being in Cape Town. I contacted him years ago as often Leica users like to get together for a chat but he was not interested, possibly he was suspicious regarding my motivation.
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There are really no stocked Leica shops there, so buy before you fly.

In general I agree that wide angle lenses are a must.

Safety is an issue as much as any other large city.


Photo opportunitues abound all around Cape Town. Best to have someone who knows the area drive you around in the city.


Do not forget the wine country to the North and the rugged coast at Yzerfontaine (sp).


Also definately go to Boulders to see the SA Penguins (a 21mm lens is a must there)


Personally I would just take the Leica M6 with 2 wide lenses (21 and 35) and forget the D200 for various reasons.



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