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Upgrading From D70 - Interesting Story


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Here is my story



I was looking for advice on my next Camera. I can tell you that talking to

people in stores is the last thing I needed, they have tried to sell me what

ever was now available. I was looking for some impartial advice and fast so I

decided to go with a PAID advice. Forums are find, but hey what do you do when

time is a factor.



I found a Digital Photography Advisor at <a


</a> the web site is well done by a company called what else, BitWine.



The web site apparently let smart people make money of their experience. So

far it was the best $10 I spent and I intend to go back every time I need fast

customized advice.



Here is the refined advice he gave me (I took out my side of the story), that

I now own since I paid and hence willing to share with you.



The D80 is indeed a big step up from the D70. The D200 is even a bigger step

up (not just build quality, also speed, features, and other things). He said

that for him, it was money well spent (he upgraded from a D100). Since

technology advances so fast and since I don't upgrade often, he suggested that

I get the best technology (as of today) that I can afford, so I will not have

to look back in the next 2 years.



I rather spend a bit more now rather than find out I missed something I need

in the next 2 years. I have decided that I am going with the D200.



Decision was not easy but he just put everything in place.

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The choice you made was a good one and one that 90% of the people on the Nikon forum would have suggested to you if you would have asked. It appears to me that you registered yesterday so you could advertise this service, do you work for them or something?
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Hi Tim & James, I am not going to argue about the camera I think we agree there, I really like it. Your first answer on this forum took 6H to get to me. Imagine that. I was in my car with my notebook and and a Wireless Internet connection visiting Manhattan passing by a nice camera store the one with the B and something name. Would you spend 6H waiting for a forum answer, to save a $10 paid advice? come on. I am sure that even you would like to get some confirmation from an expert (such as you) before you spend the big money on an upgrade.


I am new to this forum, but if that the reception one gets for writing a note that can help others on the "Every Thing Else" forum maybe I should have stayed out.

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The irony is I am not convinced its actually good advice.. If you are going to do a X year

upgrade path where X is 2 years or greater, its actually better to buy last years model,

because of the immense discount you get. For the majority of the time (X-1)/X you are

behind the technology curve anyway. People buy this years model for the shiny factor,

and/or tax write off. But lets put it another way, if you buy this years model and it had

some *must have* feature last years model did not, is that also true next year? (a year

where you don't buy a camera). No year really has a *must have* feature, in fact if you are

a big feature fan (particularly as w/ digital cameras the technology is progressing so

often), its better to take the immense price break you get in buying last years model, and

just buy new cameras more often. That would get you a better camera more often than

just buying the best camera the year you happen to be purchasing.

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Noni, if you were passing the "B..." store at 12 something midnight, would you really be needind the advice before 6 AM. The store would not be open until 10 or 11. Furthermore, if it did happened during the day, I don't see how you could use your notebook to ask a questing while driving a car. And if you had decided to double park it for that reason (as there are no available parking spaces in Manhattan at any time) the traffic ticket would make the cost of the advise some where around $110 (if you were lucky enough not to have you car towed away all together). SO, I don't see the site that you are promoting so usefull. By the way, the sale people of the "B..." store are very helpfull and they don't care wich camera you buy because the factor "what ever was now available" doesn't apply to them - they have everyting available, and they work hard to keep their customers happy. Just my 2.5 c.
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This is my policy with computers, I always buy the second best option, to enjoy the vast drop in price. Cameras, I seem to buy less often and this was part of my dilemma, finding out what the differences in performance really mean in my SPECIFIC case, and this is exactly why I needed a human touch on that. With a live expert "Elad", I can throw my specific issues and debate MY pros and cons in real time.


And guys I mean it, I have registered as an expert in my field, and for people like you who often write about cameras it is just a good way to say, "come talk to me". Just put at the and of each post (signature) your BitWine profile link. (Why not make some money of your talent).


I felt very comfortable when I saw the guy via Skype, he showed me the equipment he he bought, we discussed my photography needs, budget and what ever I had, and we came to a logical conclusion.


I did not have to Prepay, I first talked with no charge to check the guy out, and them i agreed to pay on a per minute basis. I could stop at any second.


In my view it is not replacing forums, it enhances the link between people with knowledge and people who seek customized knowledge.


Forums are great but how do I know that any one of you is not some teenager toying with my next 5 Grand decision.


There at BitWine you get the trust factor instantly.


Not only that you get paid instantly and automatically (using PayPal) at the end of the call.


I have registered and I am excited (I will not tell you my link since it is not related, and you will kill me if I do)


But you are welcome to check Elad for advice http://www.bitwine.com/users/5_elad

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People you are so local.


A) I did not post this after I bought the camera, but later when I made it home.


B) I don't drive and post, I am not that crazy yet. I use Verizon Air card from kyocera that as far as i know is the fastest on the US market. I know i do Skype Video with it.


C) The Expert I mentioned is on a totally different continent, which makes it even more interesting. But I don't see how it is relevant.



The camera is great, anyone want to challenge that?



Thanks you for the worm welcome.


You can either be open minded and see if my story have merits for the people with the real talent (maybe I will pay one of you next time) or you can just ignore it. It is all up to you.

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"Imagine that. I was in my car with my notebook and and a Wireless Internet connection visiting Manhattan passing by a nice camera store the one with the B and something name..."


"People you are so local."


"I use Verizon Air card from kyocera that as far as i know is the fastest ..."


"And guys I mean it, I have registered as an expert in my field..."


1) So, Noni, I understand that you buy cameras like D200 just running by the store and catching a view of it on a display - and you need to get it NOW ! Fine with me.


2) I will not comment on "local".


3) Congratulations on your Verizon Air card.


4) I do not know what field and what kind of expert you are. I guess from what you have written you are an expert in fast spending (nothing wrong with that as far as I am concerned).

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"Forums are great but how do I know that any one of you is not some teenager toying with my next 5 Grand decision."


Are you kidding? If you base your 5 grand decision on what some pay advice site says then i fear you're doomed. anyway, you could have gone into many camera shops and any number of them would be happy to sell you "this years" model. i find it more informative to post questions on a site like this and then to go into a trusted shop knowing what your needs are. they will most likely be very helpful in finding a good match. why should i trust one person i pay rather than objective advice from a number of people on a forum?

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