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Tiff from jpeg

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<p>Well, presumably the agency won't simply say "Ah, he uploaded TIFFs; we'll assume they're good enough." They'll open the files and examine them at 100% before deciding if your images meet their quality standards.</p>


<p>If you originally saved your JPEGs at a very high quality level, chances are that when you resave them as TIFFs and submit them, the agency won't find anything wrong with them (at least, nothing related to your original choice of JPEG format). It will be your little secret (shared with us and anyone else who happens to Google this topic and finds this thread) that you had originally saved them in a lossy format.</p>


<p>But going forward, if you care about your images, you should not save your master copies in a lossy format such as JPEG. Avoid lossy formats for intermediate formats (e.g. if you have to save your work at some point before it's completed, or if you have to save the output of your RAW converter to a file and then open it in your photo editor), and save your master copy in a lossless format. When you want to print a 4x6" at the local minilab, sure, use a high-quality JPEG; chances are they don't even accept TIFF. Mailing a copy to a friend? JPEG. Posting on your Web site? JPEG. But your master copy shouldn't be a JPEG.</p>

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Steve thank you very much , i always save my files as tiffs its a few hundred images that i worked on before and saved as jpgs cos thats whats the other agency require and if i wasn't concern about the quality i wouldn't be asking any questions here so i guess i'm gonna have to redo them anyway , and what about you patrick why are you soo mad lol take it easy buddy its not worth it. thank you all
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