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OT: New Orleans this time of year??

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MY wifes sister lives there and calls every few weeks. She reports the city is still depressed but recovering. My wife and I were down for Mardi Gras this year and reall enjoyed it as always. Certainly there were much fewer people but the fun was still there. The main thin you will see is some businesses like restaurants are still closed. Some will never reopen but there are still plenty and plenty of things to do. Most of the damage was in the 9th ward where you're not likely to be. The city and French Quarter will be fine. My suggestion is to take the trip and have fun.


Check the weather on weather .com. It's cool but not too bad.

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The French Quarter and business district weren't flooded and mostly sustained wind

damage. The Superdome is open again, as is the Convention Center, D-Day Museum etc.

There is a shortage of workers in N.O., so restaurants etc my be understaffed, but they've

put a lot of effort into getting the tourist business going again and as long as you stay in

those areas, you should be fine.


Some of the older residential areas were built on highground and are ok.


All of St Bernard Parish, the 9th ward and everything to the coast looks like a warzone.

These areas were under as much as 20ft of water and look like they were carpet bombed.


Most of the rest of New Orleans was under several feet of water, but these are mostly

residential areas and there isn't much to see for tourists. Keep your eyes open and be

carefull of what neighborhood you wander into outside of the French Quarter and business

district, regardless of the lack of residents.


I spent a month in New Oleans this spring shooting a photoessay. You can see it here.






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Matt, Samuel Portera, a fine photographer and occasional poster here, lost his home in St.

Bernard Parish. He worked at the now condemned Charity Hospital. He has published an

emotional Documentary book of photos "AfterThe Water, the lingering landscape of the

New Orleans area post Katrina." Avaliable through www.lulu.com ID: 407080. It is



Sam is an invaluable source of information for this area. E-mail me and I can put you in

touch with him, if you don't have his address. regards john

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You could not pick a better time than now to visit us in NOLA. The weather is perfect, and not the steamy hot soup that is a New Orleans summer.


As stated, I can attest that if you stay in the French Quater and downtown, you will see few signs of Katrina's mark on the city. I don't know the purpose of your trip but if you just want a get away, as Ive said, come on down the weathers fine. If you are taking a photographic trip I can tell you where to go to see the scars of Katrina.


However as mentioned, we are experiencing a lot of crime but if you take caution you should be fine. If you are not with someone who knows the 9th I would not venture to far away from the major roads. St Bernard, my home, is safe, very little crime but looks like hell. Every sqaure mile was under water, and most people there live in FEMA trailers. Lakeview was a well off area and its coming back slowly.


The food is getting back to normal, used to be long lines and horrible food, but our chefs are returning.


Just be mindful that almost everyone was affected by the storm, and still recovering, the politics of Louisiana has slowed the rebirth of the once great city and most of us are still homeless.


Email me I would be happy to give you any info you need.


Please consider coming down, we need all the visiters we can get.

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thanks for the info/advice guys.


brad and sam, if i come down i probably will get in touch for a couple of more detailed



purpose of trip is just a friendly road trip with a buddy or two. of course i will have my

camera and take photos but that is not the reason. good food, drink, sites and a few

nights of fun.


if anyone has a fav bar and wants to grab a drink, that would be fun too! should know by

monday if we can make it down

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Best time to visit New Orleans is september/october and early Spring. July and August are harsh. As others have said the Quarter is fine as is the Garden District. Great restaurants are open such as Bayona and Peristyle. Enjoy. There is also a nice article on New Orleans in NY Times online today.


Scott Barron

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