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This photo printed green...


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well more on the cyan side..but I had some test prints made to see how I was

fairing in photoshop and to check the color accuracy of my monitor..All of the

pics came out fine but 3 of them came out green- it actually looks like they

are standing under cyan lighting...?? Here is what it looks like via computer

and someone tell me if they are getting major cyan because then I need to

revisit the monitor adjustments....<div>00Ifpr-33328684.jpg.54e3aa84333709f4adc8f6a37b353b7e.jpg</div>

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I didn't print it at home - I had them printed at a photolab just to test my monitor vs the prints.. it was strange because 3 were right on color and 3 were completely green ...didn't check until I got home so maybe it would be something to bring up with the printing place...


realize the pic needs to be adjusted I was just getting a feel for the color output...just out of curiousity what would you do to it?

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If you color correct you pictures, then you have to tell the lab to turn off aoutomatic corrections. Otherwise you will get unpredictable results. If you're going to be sending out files to a lab then you really need to use some real color calibration on your monitor so that you know if the pictures come back looking off it's the labs fault. (very common)
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My scanner broke and I am waiting for the replacement so I can't scan in the lab prints - It is just odd because only some of them ended up green. And I mean GREEN. They seriously look like they are standing under Green lights - so I think I will try and tell them to turn off auto color at the lab if that seems to be an issue - I just wanted to be sure that there wasn't something I was missing...


The only other thing I can think of is that I used Auto Color on this print (I wanted to compare the manual correction to the auto correction) so I am wondering if that somehow tripped their printer up??? I'm going to bring them in tomorrow and have them reprinted...

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Convert to sRGB before sending out to a lab. They will not do the conversion for you, as they assume that everybody uses sRGB (most digicams do).<p>

I tried in PS to assign sRGB instead of converting (that is what the lab would do), and it made it a lot greener on my monitor.

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I don't see it green on my Powerbook (browser is Safari).


I have had your problem however and it was the lab's fault. Better yet they wanted to fight

me on it. I had done a portrait shoot of a couple. I knew I had everything sent in correctly.

I got back an 8x10 and some smaller photos to cut down myself. The smaller ones were

extremely yellow - almost green. Granted it was outdoors, against green vines. My 8x10 -

perfect. All the prints I had made myself prior to sending in - perfect.


I called. I emailed. I finally had to bring them back and show them to the lab. They said "it

was because of my film." I almost slapped the girl ... I don't shoot film! I have NEVER shot

film. And right after her comment, I whipped out the perfectly colored 8x10 (that they had

done). Needless to say I got the prints redone ... but I didn't expect it to be so much of a



Anyway - my point - ask your lab (nicely at first) if they can take a look at them and see if

it wasn't something malfunctioning on their end. Personally, I have found that the in-town

discount labs are much more rude and not willing to replace prints than online labs, who

bend over backwards for you.

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