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Canon 30D + 24-105L VS Canon 5D + Tamron 28-75 F2.8


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I am deciding which one I should go for between Canon 30D + 24-105L and Canon

5D + Tamron 28-75 F2.8. I think these two combinations are not so much

different in price. I am interested in image quality and capability. Which one

do you think it is better?


Actually, my dream gears are Canon 5D + 24-70L but it is too expensive for me

at the moment...


Thanks for all comments....

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Personally I prefer the 5D because it's FF. I have sigma 8mm, canon 15 fisheye and some wide angle lens. A FF camera is the best for those lenses. I would go for 5D + tamron lens. You could buy some other lens later on. I have a 20D as well. Compare the pics with FF and 1.6x camera, the pictures have a huge difference and you will see on a 5D of what you miss. My 2 cents.
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<p>Different pixel counts, different focal length ranges once the crop factor is taken into account, different capabilities (e.g. 30D's higher frame rate, which could be useful for action but won't make any difference for landscapes; 24-105 more handholdable due to IS but 28-75 offers higher shutter speeds to freeze motion). As others have said, what do you shoot?</p>
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Go with your dreams! Get the 5D and eventualy get the 24-70mm. In all of the reviews I have read the Canon L glass is far suprior to Tamron. I have the 24-70 on my 5D and am always happy with its ability.


Just my opinion, the other comments about your needs should be factored into your final deciscion

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I would separate the body and the lens for your justification. Also, unless you have a local vendor who can let you try several Tamrons, go with a Canon lens. With full frame lenses you have a variety of choices available, even the 28-105 f/3.5-4.5 is good and reasonably priced (not to mention the 28-135).


Also, you mentioned the 24-105 to go with the 30D instead of the 17-55 f/2.8... If you're not comfortable with crop body lenses, I would just go full frame.


Cheers and good luck!

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I don't think Luca read the review and owner comments on the Tamron right here on Photonet:




I think that in combination with the 5D you will have a worthwhile kit, whereas the 24-105 is a less useful focal length range on the 30D, and the combined benefit of faster aperture and larger sensor allows much more artistic control.

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want you the FF ?


you shoot with wide angle ?


you work in studio ?


you shoot the face's fotography ?


you want the almost perfect color balance ?


you reducing a post product work ?



----------------- CANON 5D -----------


and it's all OK

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but if:


you work in external photo ?


you shoot a naturalist photography ?


you shoot a sport photogrphy ?


you shoot an urban photography ?


you shoot a largetime photography ?


you run and shoot ?


you have a parkinson ?



----------- 24-105 (38-168 with 30d)--------------



and you happy ! :)


sorry for my english but i am italian !

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I would definitively go for the 5D+Tamron combo. The Tamron 28-75 is a very good lens.

Don't get fooled by those that say only Canon makes good lenses, and you should have an "L"

lens. There are some great L lenses, and some not so good ones. Also, most Sigma/Tamron/

Tokina lenses are indeed not very good, but the Tamron 28-75 really is an exception. It's an

outstanding lens. It certainly has less distortion than the Canon 24-105, and is just as sharp.

IS is a great feature for telephotos, only marginally useful on wide zooms. FF + 2.8 aperture

will give you much more control and creativity.

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<p>I'd start out with the best <i>glass</i> I could afford, even if that meant a crop

sensor body for now. (Not that the crop sensor bodies are necessarily a big sacrifice - it

depends on what and how you shoot. It may or may not be an issue at all for you.)


<p>You could end up in two different positions down the road a bit:



<li>You buy 5D and Tamron lens now. In a few years you replace/upgrade the lens... and

notice that newer, better (and/or possibly less expensive?) full frame bodies are available -

perhaps cheaper 12MP models and equally expensive 16MP models. You really wish you

had one of those...

Arguably, at that point you might feel like you have a good new lens on a slightly obsolete

body. (Yes, I can anticipate the responses stating that no one will <i>ever</i> really or

need more than 12.8MP... ;-)</li>

<li>You buy 30D and 24-105mm now. In a few years you buy a full frame body, which at

that point is perhaps a less expensive 12MP full frame body (like the 5D) or, at a cost

about equivalent

to the current 5D, it is a 16+MP body. Oh, and your 24-105mm lens is still current and


as good as it was originally.</li>



<p>Another issue: 24mm (much less 28mm) is not likely to be wide enough for you on a

crop sensor camera. It is fine for a lot of stuff, but there will likely be a significant number

of shots where you want wider on crop sensor.


<p>Finally, your "too expensive for me at the moment" comment suggests to me that you

<i>are</i> going to upgrade and acquire more equipment in the future. Always think

about what your lens/camera kit will look like <i>in the future</i> as you acquire new

stuff - just thinking about what you want <i>right now</i> often leads to replacing stuff

more often than necessary.

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I'd get the 5D. I prefer Canon lenses but that Tamron is just as affordable as the 28-105 and 28-135 so I see no harm in trying it out until you can get an L.



Do you have a DSLR already? If so I would wait until spring to see what Canon does with new offerings. People keep saying not to wait because you'll wait forever but just consider that the 5D has been out for over a year, the 30D was just a cosmetically improved 20D, and the 1DsII and 1DIIn are ripe for replacing. The only release of note this year was the XTi and it certainly showed that Canon is ready to make some dramatic improvements and at cheaper prices than we have been used to. A good trend in my mind. Good luck.

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Your comparsion should be 30D+17-40/f4L and 5D+Tamron 28-75. 24-105 is simply too narrow (24=38mm on 30D) if this is your only lens.


I own the Tamron 28-75 before. I need to exchange once before I have a better copy. It is not bad but still it is no match to my 24-105 in both sharpness and color. I then sold it.


If you buy the Tamron, make sure the shop has sufficient lenses for you to test and pick a good copy before you buy.

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I have a 30D, 24-105 L, and a 28-75 Tamron. The Tamron is good but really no match for the 24-105. The color is MUCH better on the "L". The Tamron is sharp and one stop faster than the "L" BUT the "L" is just as sharp and is that way wide open! The Tamron does not get sharp till F4.5 "at least" so don't fall into the one stop faster trap. I like the tamron but the "L" is worth every penny of the difference in price to me.
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