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Lens Holder Gizmo

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Alright, don't laugh!




I see a used M lens holder gizmo at a nice price in the used camera shop down the road from my office. Has anyone actually found these to be useful? I can carry one extra lens in a pocket (35/50) but sometimes its nice to have two extra lenses on a walkabout without having to carry a camera bag.




But fell free to opine if it is just so much useless clutter.

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I've never used this gizmo - which just seems awkward to me. However,

I can recommend a good way to have two lenses on you without a camera

bag is to wear cargo pants (lots of film can fit in these pockets as

well as lenses). It's worked will for me in the past and not required

anything special.

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I don't know how the gadget you mention works, but I assume it holds two lenses together end to end. Why not epoxy or otherwise wed a couple of rear lens caps back to back and attach a lens to each? I generally just drop extra lenses in separate pants or shirt pockets.
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By "lens holder" do you mean the one that has a bayonet mount, lets

you cantilever a heavy lens stressing the M6's offset tripod socket,

making a small camera big and risking damage to 2 lenses at once if

it swings against something or gets dropped? That gizmo?

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My advice: Dont' buy it! I owned a Benser Baseplate lens holder

(for holding 2 lenses to the bottom of a Leica M) and hated it. In

addition to the dangers that Jay mentioned, consider this:

1.)if the lenses being held are not bayoneted in securely or come

loose, your expensive Leitz glass will take a straight vertical crash

(front element first) to the ground!

2.) when you want to change film, you have to take off the lens

holder, take off the baseplate, change film, reattach the baseplate,

and reattach the lens holder. Repeat this process several times a

day and you'll soon yearn for a small carryall bag for your extra


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Mani, I think everyone else has basically covered all the reasons not

to use this thing, but I couldn't pass up adding my 2 cents. I think

Roberto probably said it best, but why take a camera that's good

partly because it's small and agile, and make it into a heavy,

ungainly, clunky thing. Get the cargo pants, as Matthew said, or a

photo vest, or a nice small bag.

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Dan, the Benser baseplate is a catastrophee - you're absolutely right.

But the Leica lens holder (for just one lens instead of two) is way

more practical. You can keep it fastened to the baseplate or even the

rapiwinder or the leica winder while changing film. It has a centered

bajonet for the additional lens thus proving additional grip if you

carry a long lens with it. I love it. With this accessory plus my Sling

I change lenses in five seconds, without any additional bags, pants, or

tabletops. ;o)




See it in use: http://www.konermann.net/sling.html

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HC-B, as with all Parisians of his generation, i.e. those who came of

age in the 1920s, was extremely dapper when at work, judging by the

few photo examples that are around. But then, judging by his

pictures, so was everyone in the world back then. People used to

dress up before stepping out of the house, y'know...




Sorry to go off-topic, but I had to respond to Mr. Watson.

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