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Creating a website

joe blase

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I am currently trying to get a website up and running. I need to know how you

maintain it? Do you do it yourself? or pay someone to do it and then pay that

same person a monthly hourly charge to update it? I like both ideas but would

like to maybe update my own site in case of specials or whatever else I want

to add fast.


Any suggestions on what to do and also any good places to look. I am in the

Philadelphia suburbs and don't mind where it is really.



Joe Blasé

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I'm guessing by your questions that you aren't familiar with creating websites with programs like FrontPage, etc. If you're not, then you have no choice but to hire someone to design it, then update it for you.


If you know how to code html, then do it yourself.. the initial design is the toughest part, but easy to maintain once done.


I happen to do my own site, but I also don't get into all the FLASH stuff that it seems everyone is using today.

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I'm in the same boat and trying to weigh my options. While researching, I found www.bigblackbag.com and I have signed up for their trial period. It's as simple as can be. You can upload your images yourself and make changes when you want. It might work for you. There are other sites like this like http://www.bigfolio.com/ but bigblackbag is less expensive.


Jo Ann

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I don't agree that if you don't have any prior experience, then your SOL, and need to hire

someone. I knew very little about computers and nil about HTML and I designed my own

site with Dreamweaver, their reference book, a Dreamweaver for Dummies book, and

many nice folks on desktop publishing forums. I just got Studio 8 today too, and am very

excited to go head first into Flash. With a little bit of time (ok, some sleepless nights), and

a good head on your shoulders you can do it too. You just have to be willing to learn! It's

definitely nice to have complete control over your own design and know that you can

change photos, text, prices, whatever, whenever you want!




P.S. If you're against doing it yourself, also check out bludomain.com. They don't require

any previous knowledge of design programs, and their sites are really nice. Z.

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I married a web designer, who maintains my sites for me. No, it wasn't the only reason I

married him, but it's a nice perk!


Just as I wouldn't recommend someone have a never-tried amateur shoot their wedding,

neither would I recommend someone with no prior web knowledge create the portal

through which many clients get their first view of the business. To me, the web site is a

crucial customer relations tool, and even though I'm perfectly capable of writing a basic

HTML site and scripting Flash myself, I still wanted someone with the knowledge and

experience to do it. This is particularly important when you consider things like Search

Engine Optimization as well, if not done right, it can harm as much as help.

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Hi Joe... If you do not have knowledge of flash or html, I would suggest going with www.bludomain.com for esample, beutiful; sites but a bit pricey.

I decided to design my page and maintain it my self (full flash site ) It can be a nightmare at times especially when you are learning the program for the first time, but I did have knowledge of html, and webdesign so for me it was the natural thing to do (I like to save any way I can).. Good luck.

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My would-be web designer is a good friend who was going to design mine for free, until she had a difficult pregnancy and was put on bed rest. After a lot of research, I went with www.bigblackbag.com. I love them! You don't have to know any html, but their is a lot of freedom in what you can do. They have EXCELLENT customer service, and are always improving and upgrading, adding more features, more space, for free. They are very inexpensive! Check out my website if you like at www.jillhardinphoto.com.
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