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I've been bitten....


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I never shot more then 250 pictures in my life before 6 monthes ago. I spent

the summer shooting as a 2nd at weddings on the weekend. I've decided to make

this my profession. I love shooting weddings. I think I am crazy because if

it, but I do. It's like mission impossible photography and I love it. But the

wedding season is all but over now here in minneapolis. I want to do more, I

want to shoot more then just weddings, and I'd love to shoot by the side of

someone way more experienced then me so that I may ingest more knowledge. I

hate studio work, and product shots. I want to be outside, and I want to be in

reality. I know I can go out alone and do ruins, nature, street, etc. But I'd

rather be next to someone who is pro so that I can learn. Getting paid is

great, but I'd rather add to my portfolio.


Any suggestions on where, how, and who to go to from here?


My dream, and I know I can do it, is to do photojournism/photodocumentary work

in other countries. But I still have a lot to learn. Buy with what I've

learned in six monthes I am sure I can get there in 10 years.



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Check with other wedding photogs or studios. Alot of them use freelancers or might hire you as a 2nd. When you think you have enough experience & equipment, start spreading your name around. I've worked in custom labs for many years and you'd be surprised how little it takes to get going in that field. To get good is another story.

Always bring an extra camera and strobe.

Good luck.

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Perhaps you should start posting your work and accepting and learning from critiques.


You may be in for a big disappointment, because for all you know you may find found out your work is not as good as you think it is when you go to try to get somebody to hire you, after only shooting for 6 months like you say you have been.

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