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Canon M-mount lens - help needed


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Ss a few weeks ago I asked for help with 135mm lenses for M-mount and I received

many replies with different recommendations. Most of replies pointed to

Tele-Elmar and Canon 135mm lenses. I decided to go Canon route to see how it

works and found a lens on eBay for $12.50. The lens number is 53772. So the lens

was cheap and I went for it and now that I have it I noticed a few issues that I

hope you folks can help me out with.

First, the aperture ring is pretty stiff. It turns pretty hard in either

direction. In fact it turns so hard that at some point it turns the focusing

ring with itself. One way around it is to adjust aperture first and then focus

the image. Not much of a deal but I'd like it to work smoothly. What's the

problem here and can it be easily repaired?

Second, the front part of the lens (the one with the aperture ring) is a bit

lose so ther is some rattling.

Finally, I noticed that there is some dust inside the lens on the rear element.

I know, $12.50 wasn't much and I didn't expect a lens in mint condition. Still

I'd like to see if it could be easily tuned-up:) Any help is appreciated and if

this is something that I can do myseld, please let me know.

Thank folks.<div>00IfKn-33316084.jpg.6a93a7d69c9a19a96bb4521955f4cf75.jpg</div>

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The whole front end of the lens, including the aperture fing, rotates with the focus collar. So even if you get it cleaned so that the aperture is looser, you'll still find that it's best to hold the focus ring when you adjust the aperture. Most of the longer canon LTM lenses worked this way.
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For this lens, it not worth send it out for service but you can fix it yourself as I did with my serenar 100/4 with the same problem.

The tiff focusing is caused by dryed grease. Turn the focus to close position, you may see some exposed helicoil. Just add some solvent, twisting back and forth to get it in. Then add some new grease. There will be mess of grease after but you can clean it with q-tip and solvent. Make sure your solvent is not too strong to harm the black paint inside. I use 100% ethanol. It slow but it work.

The front section can be removed by twist out to access inner element and diaphram blade for cleaning.

Hope this help.

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