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Problem with Bridge in CS2

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I was assisting a friend in making some fine art prints and loaded her CD with

her images. They needed some tweaking in PS. After all this was done, when I

went to the Bridge icon to open my photos all I got was a pull down menu of my

photo files, not an open file with images. I now have to highlight the file

and go to "Open" in the PS pull down menu to open the file and when I do this

I do not get thumbnails of my images - just the number under a square of where

the image should be. Anyone run into this before? Any ideas? Oh yes, the same

thing happens when I try to go to Bridge in the PS pull down menu.

I talked to one friend and he suggested I re-load PS. But before I do that I

want to run it past the forumers here.

Thanks for all replies.


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I would try a reload. You might scroll to the Bridge app stand alone thats in MSI format and see if you have a parser that will extract and load bridge seperately. If not CS2 will ask to REPAIR or remove. In my experience (2days ago), when I did the repair, all my Adobe CS2 settings stayed without any issues. This didn't solve my problem of Bridge only copying my files vs moving them, but CS2 didn't have any adverse reactions to the re install.


Hope this helps.

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Well, I'm at work now with CS. At home, I set the preferences in Bridge so that it allows the

cache to travel with files (outside of bridge). This is useful in another way because it

retains the way you want photos ordered on a CD (for slideshows and such).


The trouble here might be that your friend didn't have her preference set that way so the

cache didn't move with the transfer to the CD and your computer.


I could give you a more detailed answer in a few hours, unless someone else can jump in.

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To set Bridge's cache management to keep the cache information with each folder*, open

the Bridge Preferences dialog, click on Advanced, and in the Cache section set "Use

Distributed Cache Files When Possible". Every folder that Bridge opens will have a pair of

files created in it named "Adobe Bridge Cache.bc" and "Adobe Bridge Cache.bct".


* Consider "folder" to be synonymous with "directory" ... ;-)


When it is imposslble for Bridge to write the cache to the volume (due to permissions or

write-only media) it will store the settings into its central cache.


I don't know whether this is your problem or not, because I'm not sure I understand the

problem statement.


- What happens if you run Bridge, without starting Photoshop, and navigate to the folder

containing the files you want to see using its Folder display panel?


- Have you used the menu command "Window->Workspace->Reset to Default Workspace"

for the standard view?


- Do you have the latest release version of Adobe Camera Raw (v3.5) installed?


Clicking the Bridge button in Photoshop CS2 should simply run Bridge as an independent

application, so if it doesn't work correctly if you just run Bridge alone, it won't work if you

try to run it by clicking the button.



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Well, bless you Godfrey, you seem to know more than most on this mess. However, as I was about to re-install CS2, I noticed a tutorial CD on the flip side inside the case (DUH!). Never been one for too much instruction - you know, let's get the damn thing installed and start playing! About five minutes into the Bridge explanation it hit me. So I started up PS again, clicked on a few of the icons and viola! It's still not as it was, but at least I can see all the thumbnails now AND get them to open so I can work on them. There just had to be something screwy with my friends CD or the way I imported the files. I actually did as I always do which is why this has been such a mystery. Oh well, live and learn.

Thanks for all the help, guys.

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Glad to hear that the problem is resolved to your satisfaction.


For photographic purposes, "Real World Camera Raw with Photoshop CS2" by Bruce Fraser

gives a good primer on the use of Bridge and its options. Well worth the read ... !



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Phil, I also have a similar problem but I believe it to be a problem with Windows XP. Are you using a PC or a Mac?

What mine does: when I try to delete multiple images holding down the Control key it duplicates them! I downloaded some files yesterday from a card. I tried to nuke about ten images and ended up with over 200 duplicate images in the file! Ghost in the machine.

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Yes, running a XP pro box. I have not had the dupe issue, but it copies files over to the new location rather than move it. And my Help file says: Operation could not complet, then I ok it, and get The instruction at 0x00864ad4d referenced memory at 0x00ea0b08. the memory could not be written, click ok to terminate, and I ok it and out of the Help and back to CS2.




I am on hold with Adobe now.

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I had to uninstall Adobe CS2, and reinstall it. Now the help center works, and files are MOVED back and forth.


I suggested that they might consider adding a ZOOM tool in Bridge, she said that all Bridge is , is a Glorified Windows Explorer/File manager. But if they add the zoom tool..... :-)

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