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What do you think about my first year?


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I just put together my first portfolio website, it includes some of the 2006

season pictures which was my first year as a wedding photographer. I wonder what

do you think?. The booking season allready started and I am not getting any

contracts yet, I am starting to wonder if there is somethink vrong with my

portfolio, website perchaps or pricing?. I advertise on onewed.com and wedj.com,

maybe I should invest more in advertising?

Please I would love to hear from some more experienced wedding photographers.


my website <a href="http://www.adampek.com">www.adampek.com</a>

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Hi Adam -

I looked over your site ... and I don't know where you are located but your prices are comparable with studios in my area who have been in business for 5-10 years. So your prices might be a bit high. I also noticed that you have written the prices as $xxx and then in some places as xxx$ this second way they are written is wrong and would make me leery as to the professionalism of any business.


Overall you have a lovely site upon arriving. However, it is very Flash heavy and took about 3 minutes to load on my T1 line. I personally think that is too long. I also didn't like the load time between photos in the gallery. I would rather flip through images at my leisure rather than be led through them with a slide show (if they aren't of my wedding).


The photos are very beautiful.


- Mercsadies -

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Adam, I have taken the time to study your portfolio. I will give you my honest opinion, anything less than that would not be fair to you or me. You approach is probably a little different from what the market expects. You do not fall into the typical, for better want of words, genre. I understand that this is your first year and no doubt a very scary one. There is still a little work to be done on refining your skills. In particular with light and posing. Perhaps a somewhat more conventional approach may help. What you need to remember is that you are not an artist at liberty to do your own thing. You are expected to produce the images they want or have seen somewhere else.

I have done about a dozen weddings myself I got out because I lacked the skills and did not enjoy it. Adam I am not trying to rain on your parade but I will not lie to you. I think you would gain a lot of knowledge if you were able to assist an accomplished wedding photographer. Your time in exchange for knowledge and skills.

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Hi Adam,


I think your images are just fine and if your clients like them that's what counts. I am going to offer two suggestions which might help.


#1 show more happy laughing people early in your gallery. Despite being lovely images, there are a lot of serious pics in a row. Brides like to envision themselves having fun as well as being lovely.


#2 your site is dark as are many photographers sites. Perhaps you can best showcase your images against a black or gray background but a softer approach may appeal to brides. More pastels? Most purchasing decisions are made by the bride.


And one question regarding showing your packages and prices. I happen to think it is a great idea, but should you lead off with your most expensive package. Brides may glance at it and think you are too pricy for them. Maybe you should reverse your order??


Good luck!

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Adam, personally I don't think your portfolio or your prices are hindering you. Here's some

thoughts. You HAVE to put where you're located on your home page, and in your meta

data (which is kind of empty), so that a client searching your area photographers on the

web will find you. You need to look into search engine optimization. Also your site is titled

"test1". That's not good.


Your bio photo is too serious. This is wedding photography, a joyous time. I'd pick a

"happier" photo of yourself. The over-all feeling of the site, colors, song, is glum and cold.

It would look friendlier if you used a lighter color background.


That being said... you absolutely should advertise more. This year I'm using much of my

profit to advertise everywhere a potential client would look. Your work can be fantastic,

but what difference does that make if no one has even heard of you?


Hope that helps. Z

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Guy?s thank you for all the info I am so impressed with the result of that little post. I am going to apply most of the suggestions to my website I think that they were very helpful.

To answer to few questions I am located in Michigan and my pricing is actually below average for the kind of product I deliver. I am a photojournalistic photographer so I am not really worry about posing, and yes I was trained by professional photographer and in my opinion one of the best in Michigan area. You can check his works out at <a href="http:/www.marcinharla.com">Marcin Harla</a

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I think your starting prices are too high. Try a package with a lower price point, the client can always add on after they see the photos. Your work has a very journalistic style. Keep that going, but add more of the traditional portraits. This is the bride's big day, so where are the pictures of the beautiful smiling brides ? Women want romance, and women will be making this decision.
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Yeah I do understand the fact that my portfolio need more brides photography, it was not my first solo year it was my first year as a wedding photographer and all those pictures were taken as a second shooter, and what comes with that I can not use a great number of pictures in my portfolio I am not going to explain why because I am sure you guys know that.


I think I will come down with the main prices and add more options instead.

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This isn't so helpful as i'm new myself but i took a look at your images and I think they are outstanding....it's not often i'm that moved especially by most wedding photography.....but you are very talented - in my opinion and i wouldn't budge one friken bit on your prices....i don't care how long you've been in the business.....you can find a way to make it work....i know other photographers who have...and maybe market does factor in and you have to adjust - but if others in your market charge this - don't budge - you can make it happen by some savvy marketing.....
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Hey Adam, this is my first year as a business owner as well and although it was a little slow, I was greatful considering all of the other crap I had to deal with starting the business and all. What I am doing in January may help you some. We have a bridal show in our town and I plan on setting up at that. It is very pricey but every bride and her maid of honor will be at that event. I have never set up there before, but I know a photographer who does it every year and he gets most of his business that way. So I made some promotional stuff and I will be running a slideshow and offering a discount to brides who sign a contract with me that day. It should really be great. Check your local radio station and see if there is one in your area. If there is one in my small town in West Virginia then you should have it made! ;-)


GOOD LUCK and the photos were really good.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey Adam, I clicked onto your site. VERY nice work!! However, just one small bit of advice... you homepage site has the little girl looking out the window and some shoes on the window sill. I would change that picture out for something--- ANYTHING-- else. Don't get me wrong, your work is nice enough. It is the shoes in the photo that ruins it! As a woman, those chunky huge shoes were very unattractive. The shoes says more "clubbin' with the strippers from the batchelor's party" rather then "beautiful wedding day", ya know! Since you are a guy, you may not realize the importance of shoes to a woman!


Keep up the great work!!!

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